April 27, 2020
So, we are approached 6 weeks of total madness and still have not
resolved the fact that we are coming to the end of the flu season rather than
the end of the world.
The one thing this lockdown did is bring together a strange group of civil
liberties people who might not have united under any other circumstance.
Since it is mostly the Democratic states that have violated civil
liberties in so-called protection against this plague those on the left who
fought for civil liberties prior to this are very confused.
In the past they focused on Trump as the evil emperor but now I've come
to realize there are no good guys in this game and that all the people involved
in the political theater have one aspiration and that's the game Power.
Even conservative parts of the state have now taken the next step to
curtail civil liberties forcing people to wear masks in certain parts of the
While some towns are opening parks, they will not give up the great
symbol of Oppression that has made this pandemic different from any other.
If you don't wear a mask you've
be fined and if you don't pay the fine you could be arrested.
One video in New York should
cops dragging a person off a train because he would not wear a mask.
There is a lot of irony in all this. Government officials knew the flu
was coming months ago and either downplayed or ignored it. then completely
panicked and said the most odious rules for containing the population.
But even then, they did not mandate these rules about wearing masks in stores
or on the street but invented these things as they went along -- as if the flu
for some reason was more threatening as it started to expire not less.
We are now learning that to justify these actions the government is
paying doctors more to report a death due to the virus rather than other
causes. We are never going to know the
truth of this because his is not in the interest of government officials to
admit that they made a mistake or worse that they deliberately conspired to
violate the most sacrosanct rights we have as Americans.
Both sides Democrats and Republicans are pointing fingers at each other
when they are all equally culpable. And
we all now know that once a right was taken it will be taken again. If you can
remove civil liberties with an executive order, then you haven't had civil
liberties at all.
But we have been going down this road for quite some time violating
free speech in the same manner.
We have passed laws condemning people for something called hate speech
which is exactly the speech that most the Constitution was designed to protect.
The fact is government ignored its most significant Duty in protecting
those people most vulnerable sending the elderly to nursing homes as if being
sent to death camps well freeing prisoners who the government is too lazy to
protect or provide for in a controlled setting to wander the streets jobless
and hungry and perhaps even desperate enough to return to a life of crime.
We are seeing a complete breakdown of government on every level, incompetent
leaders who make either bad or corrupt choices that kill people and steal civil
liberties while hiding behind the idea that they are saving us from a fate
worse than death.