Sunday, March 4, 2018

Media: self-appointed arbitors of truth

Sunday, March 4, 2018 

To quote Groucho, not Karl, Marx: “I wouldn’t want to b e a member of any club that would have someone like me as a member.”This pretty much sums up the current state of media in America, where membership re3quires that its journalists subscribe to a particular ideology or become outcasts.Sometimes mistakenly described as “The Fourth Estate,” media has taken on the erroneous self-perception that it somehow compares to elected office such as president or congress or appointed office such as the U.S. Supreme Court – when it is actually a self-appointed position with nearly no oversight or honored system of ethics.Journalism today has largely degenerated into (or perhaps always was) little more than a powerful special interest group, like the NRA, except instead of shooting bullets, it kills people with headlines and slanted news coverage.Unlike someone seeking to buy a weapon, a journalist rarely must go through a criminal background check or obtain a permit to operate in his or her lethal profession.In fact, until recently almost anybody could become a journalist with little more than a high school education but wielding unbearable levels of power with little restraint beyond their editor or publisher, who also equally have no oversight.Media has always sold itself as the checks and balance against government abuse with nothing to serve as check and balance of its own abuses.As with politicians, journalists a prey to corruption.I’ve known a number of corrupt reporters, some took up unholy alliances with the politicians they were hired to cover, even going to far as to sleep with and spy for, and sometimes work for the campaigns of the politicians.These, of course, are clear violations of journalist ethics and subject to termination, if you can actually convince their editors or publishers that such transgressions have taken place.But the media industry itself as a much deeper corruption, something not just tolerated by its membership, but promoted and protected by a brother-and-sisterhood of high priests who have become the religious leader of a liberal faith.Generally, reporters who do not subscribe to this orthodoxy are isolated and eventually driven out of the priesthood. There are some exceptions, token conservatives kept on to maintain the fiction of objectivity, but never part of the inner circle of faith.In my experience, I have met an editor with a feminist agenda, who flatly refuses to even play lip service to media’s façade of objectivity, actively and knowingly slanting stories to embarrass or humiliate conservative politicians she covers, going as far as to encourage fledgling reporters under her charge to do the same. In her mind, “conservative” is not a political choice, but position of evil that she feels responsible to expose if not destroy.Some editors do not even believe in objectivity at all, one-time journalists who have become advocates of a liberal agenda, reading all the proper slanted liberal journals, subscribing to all the proscribed liberal testaments of faith. The best these editors can hope for is to be “fair,” which means to make sure to get a comment from the subjected being gutted by the current news story.Still other editors hide their agenda behind their reporters, loading them up with loaded questions that ultimately produce the slant the editor wants in their first place, and then throw up their hands when someone accused the editor of being slanted. Such people are the first to defend media as objective, partly because they cannot have its lack of objectivity exposed without also exposing their own.There are, of course, conservative journalists, working for networks such as Fox. But mainstream media tends to dismiss these as journalists who have fallen from the true faith and have opted to adopt the dark side of the force. Conservative journalists may not be evil in themselves, but they serve an evil purpose.Part of the blame for the liberal slant in contemporary journalism must fall on the shoulders of American universities through which modern journalist must pass in order to take their eventual place in the priesthood. Mainstream universities have become so politically correct that when people talk about a liberal education, they mean it literally. Once indoctrinated, it is difficult if not impossible to become objective.But even old school journalists including some working as columnists on major New Jersey daily newspapers have sipped the Kool Aid, and use questionably objective sources such as The Washington Post as their scripture, in some cases, these newspapers actually reprint the original stories as if Biblical verse.Journalism is not and perhaps never was The Fourth Estate.It is simply another special interest group like the NRA or Black Lives Matters with true believers setting a particular liberal agenda in order to spread its liberal faith.Real independent reporters exist – even in the most corrupted media such as CNN, The Huffington Post or The Hill, but as with black lists of the past, such people do not dare speak out too loudly or too often against the liberal orthodoxy without risking loss of credibility or employment.There are varying degrees of true-believers just as there are varying degrees of sports fans. Not all tattoo their faces with the New York Yankees logo or inflict their inflated sense of self-righteousness on the unsuspecting public.But the tattoos are there on the faces of the major players, such as The Washington Post and The New York Times, spreading their agenda in the guise of truth, acting self-appointed arbitrators of truth, hiding their ill will behind the First Amendment the way the NRA hides its behind the Second – merely selling a news product a public that mistakenly accepts it as fact.    

email to Al Sullivan

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