Sunday, March 11, 2018

White people power

Sunday, March 11, 2018

 A number of conservatives believe that there is a new genocide being conducted by a liberal elite, an effort to do away with white straight men or at best emasculate them, creating a new breed of eunuchs that will allow women, gays and sexually undermined intellectual males rule the world.As farfetched as this sounds, conservatives may have found an issue around which they can rally, and as the left abandons working class whites and has become a party dedicated to the interests of gays, women, immigrants and people of color.
The fact is, conservatives appear to understand liberals far better than liberals do conservatives.
Much of what liberals believe comes out of their own prejudices and distorted myths about conservative culture in particular while straight men.Most liberals aren’t stupid, but often come off sounding that way when they rant about how so called racism of the conservatives.Liberal arrogance has the potential to derail the causes they most espouse and threatened to unravel their plans to retake control of government, not just this year, but in 2020 as well.Well educated, many normally non-political liberals are extremely ignorant when it comes to the dynamics of race in the United States, believing short-sighted lectures on American history that allows them to over react when it comes to dealing with conservatives – using racially charged terms to describe whites as “Crackers” or “hillbillies” in a disparaging and often mistaken notion of their own moral and intellectual superiority.The masses of liberals we hear ranting on the streets are largely being manipulated by a much savvier Democratic political machine, which fully understands its conservative enemies but needs to make use of the nativity of easily led liberal masses.Even those few movements that haven’t been orchestrated by a Democratic think tank risk increasing the power of conservatives, while under the illusion that are somehow righting some historic wrong.In many cases, liberals do not even know why they believe what they believe, and have created a world based on the myth of good and evil, mimicking what they hear rather than what they think for themselves, exposing themselves only to information to which they already agree.Politics, however, has very little to do with individual belief. Instead, it strongly resembles high school or college, where people’s membership in social cliques determine what they believe. The group you belong to determines not only what you believe, but who you are or even who you wish to be.God help the black or gay who admits to his social group that Donald Trump might have a good idea about anything. Your friends won’t be your friends long because blacks and gays and women are supposed to hate Trump, and so they do. A black who questions the ideology of black culture will quickly get the label “uncle tom.” Blacks are expected to support Democrats, just as women are, and gays.A gay who speaks out against gay marriage faces a similar fate. Just as a woman who opposes abortion does.People do not think for themselves, and their values are determined by the company they keep.This is as true for conservatives who are members of the NRA, certain churches, and anti-abortion group, family groups and such.But the two issues that most divide Americans are race and sexuality.And the left has clearly declared war on conservatives in both of these areas, determined to force conservatives to adopt a liberal agenda as far as race, gay marriage and access to abortion. But the campaign appears to go far beyond forcing conservatives to believe what liberals want them to believe, but to punish them when they fail to comply.For instance, many liberals come to believe that all southern white men are racists as is the case for anyone who is a registered republican.Oddly enough research shows that up until the 1980s, most southern whites were Democrat – although there has been a slow migration of whites from Democrats to Republicans starting in the 1950s, and some of these whites actually supported issues like integration and civil rights.But the perception that a southern white must be racist has become such a fixture in the liberal mythology that it has become accepted by media and others as fact.This is also true when it comes to feminism, and immigration, and the perception that if you are a working class straight white man, you sexually abuse women, want to beat up gays and hate immigrants when this may or may not be true.These myths have infected almost all of our mainstream society and so we get a media that assumes these assumptions as fact, and professors – such as one who I heard speak recently as a poetry reading – teaching young people this as if gospel. This myth making has scared corporate America into refusing to sell guns or to implement social policies that are in line with these questionable beliefs.Race, of course, continues to divide America like no other issue. It is the ultimate social club, whether you are white, black or in-between.Liberal males – especially those who wish to seem sophisticated or are ashamed of their blue-collar upbringing – adopt this unnatural orthodoxy even when they are straight and white to fit in with a social crowd they aspire to belong to, saying all the right things, even if they – despite their education – haven’t a clue as to what they are actually talking about.Studies done in the 1940s and 1950s show that people often claimed membership in a party even when they do not completely understand the reason behind the party’s beliefs. In some cases, they take the word of better politically educated people such as professors or media, and accept a short-hand version of truth that amounts to stereotyping.This need for liberals to belong so blinds them that they accept whatever media or the party tells them as truth, and become arrogant because they believe their education has provided them with a monopoly on truth or morality. For all their claims of diversity, their views are extremely simiplistic, a black and white, good and evil vision of the world, causing a knee jerk reaction when it comes to judging conservatives.These liberals assume that anyone who opposes their views are evil or bigots, and claim that anyone who voted for Trump is either stupid or corrupt. Anyone who opposed gay marriage, abortion or open borders for immigration is evil.This is part of a moral crusade that practically justifies any behavior.The election of Trump as president was a shock because it undermined the liberal belief that the country was inevitably becoming more liberal – and that the righteousness of their crusade would become self-evident at the polls when Clinton beat Trump.As a result of this intense disappointment, we saw what amounted to a temper tantrum by packs of spoiled brats taking to the street because someone denied them something they thought they were entitled to have.This fed into their delusion that Trump must have cheated – much in the way Clinton cheated to steal the nomination and later tried to do in her attempt to become the first woman president.But the tantrum was also flavored with Democratic think tank manipulation that allowed for the funding of the woman’s march and radical actions by groups such as Black Lives Matter.Selfish and self-righteous lunatics – believing their had moral high ground – started to tear down Confederate statues and burn Confederal flags to punish conservatives they believe stole the election from them.These deluded do-gooders claimed they were offended by icons that honored people such as Robert E. Lee and flags that celebrated the Confederacy, determined to destroy a culture they considered racist. This is a massive misconception of not only what those Icons stood for in the white culture, but the history behind them.In fact, such abuse of history didn’t stop with racism. These reverse bigots decided to remove all icons to all historic men they found disagreeable starting with Lee and Christopher Columbus, and most recently Winston Churchill – largely because these men are white and male at a time when it appears to be a politically correct crime to be either.One local professor even required his white students to write essays about why they should be ashamed to be white. Arts projects funded by federal grants such as The West by one of the Burns brothers flatly called white people evil.This attack on white culture and its icons is a complete but apparently deliberate misreading of history and the meaning of these icons.Liberals in waging these attacks clearly do not understand their enemy, and so do things that provide conservatives with more power, not less.Trump’s election – although tinged with extremist elements at times – was less about race, misogyny and hatred of immigrants that it was about resisting a wave of political correctness orchestrated partly by a desperate Democratic Party and partly by a skewed educational system that itself ignores facts to create myth.Many in the south see this new politically correct social order as akin to the carpetbaggers that preyed on the south in the aftermath of the Civil War, both seeking to punish white men for being white.While there is no denying racism exists in America, north, south, east or west, liberals mistake why many white people cling to flags and other symbols of a fallen confederacy, or why they need to have access to guns.This is not about being anti-black, it is about being pro-white, and there is a huge distinction.As the women’s movement, black moment and other liberal agendas appear to want to strip white men of their historic culture – regardless of how terrible it might be – the more white will seek to preserve them, elevating people like Lee to the position of hero (which he actually deserves) and waving a flag that is largely one big “fuck you” to the liberals who want to tear them down and tear down things conservatives believe.Many see the new liberal as a remade carpetbagger, and the more such radicals tear down, the stronger these icons become, because they become symbols of resistance to an oppression that has never ceased, a kind of social order being imposed from liberals far away living in an illusion.These attacks on Trump by a liberal media, these foolish acts by deluded radicals come off as a repeat of mistakes made by radicals in the past – such as the 1968 convention protest in Chicago that some historians believe helped get Richard Nixon elected.With each new attack by media or the liberal establishment on Trump and conservatives, the more a silent rage builds. But unlike liberal spoiled brats who rant and rave and take their rage out in the streets, conservatives will take it out in the voting booth – white people power striking back, not just for the midterm elections this year, but also in 2020.    

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