Sunday, March 18, 2018

Why are Democratic gun policies dangerous?

Sunday, March 18, 2018 

In 2000 when George W. Bush was elected president by a few hundred votes and with the help of a large conservative supreme court, most people accepted the results as legitimate. So, we avoided the violence that would have naturally occurred had this been another country.But 2016 is different. Democrats started on a new path with the questionably unethical Mueller investigation, not merely to investigate Russia’s alleged role, but to challenge the legitimacy of the election itself.“Not my president,” created a whole new and dangerous dynamic that isn’t here aimed at bringing down Trump but eroding the system by which we elect presidents.Some people have accused Trump of being a fascist, and yet what we are seeing is the overthrow of an election through undemocratic processes, and something that comes close to a new left-wing politically correct fascism that allows thugs to tear down statues and alter history to their own liking.As cumbersome as the American electoral system is, it tends to protect small rural parts of the country from the mass tyranny of well-organized big cities.The election worked because it prevented large cities from imposing their views on small places – something that could not happen in Germany in the terrifying election of 1932 that allowed Hitler to rise to power.While people compare Trump to Hitler, the similarity of then and now more reflects the orchestrated mass uprisings that followed Trump’s victory, seeking to reverse the will of the people as proscribed by the results of the election.Instead of reevaluating their own policies, Democrats are pushing the boundaries and untying the basic threads that make America the most workable democracy in the world.This is dangerous territory since it suggests that the very fabric of what makes America the country it is, will become undone if you put enough people on the street and hire enough special prosecutors.This is not to say Democrats are deliberately creating a new fascist state. Their role is to send a message out to their constituency, especially the swing voters, who could support Trump or some Democratic surrogate in the 2020 election.But once you undo the protections that define what a legitimate election is, you make it possible for any election to be undone by the same process.What scares me is that the Democrats seem to sense some of this, even if there is no official policy and no one will openly say it.Tearing down statues and flags were dangerous enough actions, since they are symbolic of an intolerance that America is supposed to lack but promoting mass protest as an excuse to disarm a part of the population well-known to oppose the Democratic Party suggests a viable fear that if Democrats succeed in discrediting the 2016 election of Trump, well-armed groups may actually emerge.In some ways, Democrats seem to be creating a fascist state with their efforts, and feed into the fear that someone is actually out to keep Americans from having the ability to defend themselves.This is particularly true when it comes to the Parkland mass murders – where systems designed to provide protection for those children utterly failed, systems that are largely associated with Liberal policies such as school monitoring, and systems defended by Liberals such as the complete collapse of the FBI, or even liberal reliance on ordinary police – who were ordered not to respond.The effort to take guns from legitimate gun owners or even restrict them, not only feeds into the basic fears many gun owners have about the system failing them when they need it most and so must protect themselves, but also feeds on the perception that Democrats are seeking to disarm them for some other onerous motive, such as when they succeed in overthrowing Trump, or worse, when in 2020, some other candidate unpopular with the liberal left rises, and democrats seek some new way to make the election illegitimate.Each new cycle now risks bringing us to a real and violent civil war, since the Democratic policy here to win elections by destroying the accepted legitimacy of the election process.As with Sandy Hook, Parkland actually caused a spike in the purchase of weapons – this despite all the protests and the intimidation against legal arms dealers.The move to make some guns illegal will not stop people from getting them, it will only inspire greater mistrust, and will also feed the fear that Democrats are willing to do anything to win – and push us even closer to when even legal gun owners will feel threatened.Even as we speak, gun owners and others are stock piling weapons they believe will become illegal in the near future.I’m no fan of automatic weapons. But I’m more scared of a political policy that would inspire more fear than it cures and would erode the fundamental rights of Americans to not only bear arms, but to have confidence that once an election is over with, we will accept the results.Democrats implementing a dangerous strategy and using kids to do it.   

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