Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Democrats are only in it for the money

 It becomes more and more evident that Democrats needed to steal the 2020 election (as predicted by my essay on how the Russians ought to have stolen the 2016 election) in order to get their greedy hands on federal dollars, in what may be the biggest rip off of American taxpayers in history.

The scary part of what is being uncovered as far as fraud is that it is far, far worse than we even expected

The Democrats have ripped off the American people so massively it is shocking that the justice department isn't issuing warrants for arrest at this moment

We knew from the two major bills that Biden pushed through Congress during his questionable four years that Democrats and media and other fun people on the woke side were getting paid off handsomely, we just didn't realize how institutionalized the rip off was and how long it's been going on

This has been perhaps the biggest robbery of American people in history and Democrats seem to want to stay on the gravy train even as the country goes broke

This explains why people like George Soros and other big money people were shoving money into the Democratic coffers for each election; they were getting their payoff down at the other end where very few people could see.

But if you think this is purely a ripoff and typical Democratic greed, you're wrong

P:laying in this scenario is the Marxist ideology of bringing down the American government by making it an affordable – expanding entitlement programs to the point where the county can no longer afford to pay the massive debt these incure.

The concept is to saddle people with so much debt that that they eventually rise up and overthrow the kind of government we have for something more resembling Stalin.

No wonder everybody is squealing and they're using the course to try to slow down the investigation into just how deep this goes and how corrupt the people in charge of our finances really are

This is not to say that there aren't well-meaning people in the mix but those who are ripping off the government aren't well meaning they are simply greedy or have a political agenda that is not American

As the investigation into this rip off continues, many of those benefiting most from the rip off will rise up not as a Marxist society but as Urban or local terrorist groups try to retake the money train before it all vanishes

Climate change of course has been one of the big ripoffs even if that phony Mayor Bloomberg funds it with his own cash it is still just a money pit going to select people who are scamming people with snake oil

Experiments on animals should which should have PETA up in arms seems to have skipped over all of those would be animal lovers when it comes to taking back the money that went to these things

Anti-Israel rappers being paid for the United States and other questionable activities overseas more than highlights just how fast the cash has been flowing out and how everybody on the woke agenda seems to want to get their piece of the action

How this all will be stopped is questionable, since Democrats have been sucking blood from the American taxpayer for so long, they seem to believe they deserve it. They are not going to let the GOP take these privileges away from them without a fight, even resorting to the extreme measures they attempted against Trump prior to the election last November.



email to Al Sullivan

Friday, November 22, 2024

Nixon was innocent

 As it turns out Nixon never really had to resign because there was no crime.

The alleged Gap in the taping in his office was apparently accidental after all and did not contain anything of substance despite media's playing it up as if they were

While the so cold smoking gun piece of tape was misinterpreted by Nixon's lawyers, it turns out that he was not talking about the cover-up of the Watergate break-in but asking the CIA too talk to the FBI about protecting Democratic donors who had been giving money to his campaign

The fact that some of this money wound up in the pockets of those who actually did the break-in raised a lot of questions at the time but clearly showed that someone overseeing them use that money inappropriately

Dirty tricks of course have been common going back to the 1930s and used equally among Democrats and Republicans

This includes break-ins to campaign headquarters and bugging.

For instance  Kennedy and others associated with the Kennedys authorized wiretaps illegal on Nixon during the 1960 campaign, again the California campaign in 62, and later during the 1968 campaign they booked his airplane

The watergate commission that looked into the Watergate break-in was not allowed to look into the wider aspects and so it seemed like an isolated incident

Even Bernstein made it clear that the Watergate break in was rather insignificant and made significant only because the president was forced to resign

Although Bernstein and Woodward tried to imply and actually published material claiming that there was a wider campaign against Democrats recent documentation show this was not true and was perhaps misguided at best

A lot of what Woodward used came from a anonymous source called deep throat who turned out to be the deputy director of the FBI Mark felt

Woodward had an agreement with felt to never use him as a source. never mentioned the FBI and not reveal his identity all of which Woodward betrayed from the very first article he did for the Washington Post

Of course, authors defending felt making seem to be a saint when he was hardly that

Felt authorized illegal wiretaps and warrantless searches on whether underground facilities for which The Washington Post later wanted him prosecuted, a strange situation since felt was responsible for the success of the Washington Post and Woodward

I have several personal connections to the Watergate scandal.

Felt let the search for one of the survivors of the East village explosion who I hid out in my apartment for a few months until the FBI stop looking for him

I did not know that felt would eventually become deepthroat

Years later I would work for the son of Elliot Richardson who was fired by Nixon for refusing to fire the Kennedy connected prosecutor Cox – who Bork fired because Cox was in bed with the democrats and apparently held secret meetings with the judge and others overseeing the cst.

Still later after 9:11 I got to interview Alexander Hague who denied being deep throat but by which time it was clear felt was

The book All the President's Men turned out to be almost complete fiction at least from one perspective in that it violated every journalistic ethic and yet became the model for investigative reporting ever since

Woodward and Washington Post in order to take advantage of revealing deep throat actually did a bunch of hit pieces on him and his family in order to discredit him

Woodward eventually plagiarized felt’s book when finally writing a book about deepthroat

Following along trail of questionable journalism as he tried to recreate his perceived god-like Watergate status

A lot of this becomes very obvious now after all of the failed attempts to bring down Trump with fake crimes including those of January 6th so-called insurrection and his paying off of a pornstar.

It is no accident that John Dean who's inconsistent testimony in Watergate was never questioned when he implicated Nixon in the cover up which Nixon probably was not guilty of it all

As noted by several authors Nixon was in fact against cover-ups and lying saying that they both did more damage than good

Nearly all of the lawyers associated with Watergate were connected to the Kennedys and the effort by media including Washington Post to get Ted Kennedy elected president and to bring down Nixon

This is very similar to contemporary times where most of the judges and lawyers involved in the scandals against Trump are connected to Obama who is taking the place of Ted Kennedy as perhaps the most unethical politician in America

Woodward could never get back his Glory Days even coming after Trump, partly because many people suspect that his unnamed sources and other activities in follow-up books were either dishonest or slanted in an unethical way

The problem is that John Dean became the principal witness against Nixon and like many of those who turned on Trump Dean did what he did in order to escape punishment.

In a game of corruption if you can give up somebody higher than you in the food chain you get off Scot free which is what happened to Dean even though much of his information may be dishonest and self-serving

Fortunately, Trump was stronger than Nixon in that he fought tooth and nail against the distortion being promoted by The Washington Post, the New York Times and other legacy Media and ultimately people in the public got to see just how corrupt the Democrats were although everybody still seems to think Nixon and Watergate were legitimate when they were just another version of Russia gate

At the end of the day hopefully historians will look back on Nixon and vindicate him for a crime he did not commit and hopefully the next batch of attacks from The Washington Post New York Times and the Democrats will not have the believability that the lies told against Nixon did

Over the last 8 years we have heard over and over how what Trump did was worse than Watergate.  I do agree it was worse than Watergate but not because Trump did it but because legacy Media and people like Woodward were doing the same kind of dirty work they did back then only magnifying it.

Hopefully, the mythology of Watergate the lies and distortions will fade as our generation dies out and becomes something like Tippecanoe or some other silly political of the great past

And hopefully the historians will look at Woodward as the kind of phony he is just a stooge for the Kennedys at the time along with his editor

Unfortunately, there are no good guys in any of these stories even though some people are painted as saints when they're not

email to Al Sullivan

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Watergate redux


From the moment Trump declared his candidacy for president in 2015, Democrats tried to recreate their successful attempt to bring down a siting president.

The Watergate scandal became and remains the model they are using, and we expect will be resurrected again once Trump is sworn in as president for the second time.

This is partly why we saw Woodward and other ghosts from Watergate resurrected over the last year to reprise their roles and to firmly cement the idea in the public’s mind that Trump is another Nixon, who needs to be brought down.

Woodward has been celebrated as the greatest investigative journalist of all time, even though it appears that he was merely a tool for the Democrats to unseat Nixon. His role again Trump has been far less effective, partly because a number of people in media have come to question the validity of and the motives behind his activities in regards to Watergate.

Some people believe that Woodward operated with the intention of helping then Senator Ted Kennedy to become president (which fortunately never happened) since it was Kennedy and his team of lawyers that led the committees investigating Watergate (Ted recused himself to avoid public scrutiny of his own misdeeds).

Deep Throat, Woodward’s best source (a deputy FBI director as we later learned) helped propel him to near sainthood and the Washington Post into the most influential paper in the country, even though there were strong editorial ties to the Kennedy family, suggesting collusion.

All this might have gone to naught had not another major player stepped into the mix, providing congress with the legal justification to draft articles of impeachment against Nixon  -- which forced him to resign – even though the legal ruling used was criticized by constitutional scholars.

Hillary Clinton – not yet married to Bill Clinton – argued that a president could be impeached for small crimes, rather than the previously presumed major crimes scholars argued as necessary. She later reversed her position when her husband, Bill, faced impeachment.

Yet, her position on this helps explain why she helped create the Russian Collusion scandal (her campaign paying for a fictious document called the Steele Dossier which created the illusion of a serious crime against Trump needed to justify yet another impeachment. It also explains why the New York Attorney General creatively used election law to upgrade a misdemeanor into a federal crime in order to convict Trump, and perhaps keep him from qualifying as a candidate for office. This may well be the Nixon-like tool Democrats will try to use again to once more try to impeach a president they could not cheat out of an election as in 2020 or beat him in the 2024 election.

Clinton’s role in Watergate may have contributed to her husband’s eventual election as president, and the party support for her as a candidate in 2016, since she like Woodward, did her duty to bring down a president on behalf of the Democrats.

Democrats have no ethics as shown by the current counting of illegal ballots in Pennsylvania in an effort to overturn a GOP victory in the Senate race there. Rules don’t apply, but loyalty to a cause as displayed in Watergate by Woodward and Hillary is rewarded eventually.

So far, the antics have backfired. The NY case exposed the dirty tricks Democrats will resort to in order to retain power, legal or not, and the more they use dishonest means the way they seem to have done with Watergate, the stronger Trump becomes.



email to Al Sullivan

Friday, November 15, 2024

Fake news is the same old lie


MSNBC and The view have returned to the old con game that was played during the first trumpet administration that because of alternative media Trump won first against Hillary Clinton and now against Kamala Harris

What they really mean is they want Total censorship of alternative media so that they can maintain the lies they have been telling for the last 8 years

Only nobody is using the term fake news these days when that's really what MSNBC and the view have been promoting

They are really pissed that Twitter has become an independent voice much like the Trump app

But at the end of the day these people on the extreme left have not learned their lesson yet and if they continue down this road to try to censor people they will find that they no longer have any validity people don't take them seriously except the already brain dead

Factors that MSNBC and their affiliates want censorship of anybody but themselves and this is very orwellian

In other words you don't have a right to have access to any information source other what that what they provide and so they can keep you ignorant of what is really going on in the world

CVS NBC ABC or not far behind in this scam but it is the most extreme sites that are driving the leftist agenda not mainstream mainstream or simply obeying orders

Who The Mastermind of this scam has to be pretty brain dead himself since they tried censoring the social media sources prior to this and they fell flat in their face and you know what Einstein said about repeating the same thing and expecting a different result

Ultimately of course MSNBC and the view and their assorted cohorts are eventually going to fade into the history as non entities that they are they are full of racism and hatred and not very American at all almost kind of underground socialist or Marxist institutions that have been spouting this stuff for years but until recently weren't covered by the general public but as many corporations are finding out woke is broke and must be abandoned or the party as we knew it is not going to exist

While we’ve always had some version of slanted news, Fake News is something different, largely because it was invented to explain why Trump beat Clinton in 2016.

It was instituted by a collection of extreme leftist operating anonymously as PropOrNot who apparently picked up on Jill Stein’s theory that the Russians hacked into American voting machines to get Trump elected. This Russian Collusion fake news would get validity when Clinton campaign funded The Steele Dossier to double down on the accusation and eventually led to attempt to impeach Trump.

At first, even liberal media was reluctant to buy into PropOrNot’s propaganda. But eventually, the Washington Post – which had a hard on for Trump – took the bait, and gave this group of whackos prominence they didn’t deserve.

It didn’t stop there. The theory is that right wing (often called extreme or white supremisists)

were spreading lives through social media and needed to be reigned in by censoring the more popular social media sites – those operated by Meta such Facebook and Instagram were most aggeious, going to far to hire the same slanted writers that were slanting stories against Trump in mainstream media. But even Twitter because an instrument of censorship util it was purchased and many of the left wing radicals operating it were fired.

This benefits mainstream media because it gave bias publications like the New York Time and politically corrupt networks like MSNBC a monopoly on truth (even when it is clear what they published was remotely true).

With the internet and social media the false facts mainstream media spouted could be disputed (provided you did not try to use google to fact check, since it was part of this cabala). Eventually it became clear, the real source of fake news were these same mainstream outlets.

The idea back in 2016 is that voters – deluded by fake news (some of which was authored by the Russians) – voted for Trump and not for Clinton. This was assuming that the millions of voters had easy access to alternative press.

Even my former editor, who at times wrote for the Washington Post, filled our newspapers with this anti-fake news nonsense, trying to impress people at the top of the news food chain, even though the story got all the facts wrong, generally following the party line, as did most other mainstream media.

Now, the View and MSNBC are spinning the same sad tale because of Harris’ humiliating loss to Trump.

It is clear that Trump won only because a huge portion of the American population got dupped by stories that suggest Harris was untrustworthy, a woman who helped prosecute journalists who uncovered Planned Parenthood selling baby parts they gathered from their massive abortion operation, who put hundreds if not thousands of people of color in jail for petty crimes such as pot possession and then later promoted the release of violent criminals onto the streets, who not only supported the transitioning of kids, but also supported calling the parents who objected “terrorists.

We obviously hate women because we voted against two female candidates for president, the second of which was even black thus making us racist as well – this despite the fact that both women were possibly the worse candidates the Democratic party could have chosen.

Harris, of course, was part of a political coup against the sitting male Democratic president, who she and the Democratic Party help steal the 2020 election. (we’re still trying to figure out where the 13 million votes Biden got in 2020, but mysteriously went missing when Harris ran in 2024 (A computer glitch perhaps or perhaps the GOP was much more watchful this time around). But the moment, the Democrats didn’t need Biden anymore, they betrayed him, tried to put him out to pasture, not once, but twice, asking him to step aside for Harris to run, and then asking him to give up the presidency so Harris – clearly undeserving – could become the first female president.

It is obvious fake news created the illusion of inflation, even though people in supermarkets swear things were cheaper when Trump ran the country. Fake news accounts for all the reports of violence on the streets, massive theft from stories, and floods of illegal immigrants hogging up resources meant to help American poor.

Fake news accounted for high gasoline prices, mandates to get rid gas stoves, air conditioners, fossil fuel run cars.

Fake news clearly turns us all into white supremist racist, even though huge numbers of women, blacks and Latinos voted for him, too.

They were also obviously mislead, and so The View and MSNBC have decided we all need to be protected from misinformation that counters their left wing extremist agenda so we might not be led astray to vote for the GOP in the future.

Censorship will obviously keep us from thinking too much.

email to Al Sullivan

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Biden stabbed in the back again by Harris


In an attempt to once again side step the Democratic process, One of the very close associates to Harris campaign suggested that Biden step aside and allow Harris to be named president

This the aid said would help heal the Democratic party and allow Harris to become the first woman president in history

Of course it's only feeds into the perception that Harris has been trying to get around democracy for her whole campaign.

Worse still, it shows just how untrustworthy Harris is and always has been.

Biden apparently never trusted Harris which is why he sent her to become the borders Zcar back when the administration first took power

She apparently was hungry for power even then but understood that he was giving her something of a no-win situation so she simply refused to do it

Reports showed that even members of her staff did not like her found her ruthless and uncaring far from the image she tried to portray as a candidate

And of course. this latest move to stab Biden in the back again in order for her to get the distinction of being the first woman president shows just how right his instincts were

The problem is he doesn't have any more friends in the Democratic part. People are blaming him for her loss and the recent videos of him stumbling over the sand nearest Delaware home suggests that some people very close to him are also in her camp when it comes to humiliating him


Democratic party leaders named her the candidate she got no primary votes for president nor did she get any votes in a national convention

So side-tipping the Democratic process to make her president even for a few weeks would only feed into the perception that the Democratic party doesn't believe in democracy and would name the president by Fiat if they could

Of course Biden has been attacked before and was driven out by a political coup that was almost as notorious as a 2020 election that got him in the presidency in the first place

And it is clear he resents the fact that he was driven off the ticket

Democrats clearly are ruthless and have no sympathy for people who loyal to them in the past and are willing to throw anybody under the bus

Harris people of course claim that Biden should never have run in the first place after Harris and others covered up his stability

And that when he finally did step down it did not give her enough time to allow the public to get to know her

This ignores the fact that she previously ran as a candidate in a primary to become president and utterly failed

It also ignores the fact that she was on the Biden ticket as vice president through the whole process of primaries and so if the public didn't get to but know her it wasn't due to Biden it was due to Harris's ineptitude of getting her name out there

Of course, all this now is mood since bye is not stupid enough to allow himself to be stabbed in the back twice by the same Democrats

And yet it provides serious insight into the thought process of the Democratic party to which no rules applied

In fact this week one of the architects of the democratic machine said she would never vote to do away with the filibuster now that her party is out of power

Democrats don't believe in rules and they don't believe in the rule of law so what exactly do they believe in

The Democrats demonstrated this in another instance this week when they tried to force their supreme court justice to resign, saying she is too old and risks getting replaced by Trump later if she should get sicker or die.

At the end of the day the Democrats simply are crappy people

email to Al Sullivan

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Democrats take the money and run

 All those movie stars and rock stars who said they were going to leave the country if Trump got elected may have to do so, and not because they fear retribution from the GOP, but from irate democrats

Some of these stars such as Oprah, Beyonce, Kat Perry may have been involved with the biggest Ponzi scheme and Democratic political history

All those stars that seem to support Harris were actually getting paid vast amounts of cash for their appearance and their performances while the organizers of the campaign bilked their democratic funders by claiming the race was neck and neck when in truth almost all the Insiders knew Harris was going to get bombed

This rivals the Apple disaster with the Beatles as insiders grabbed every bit of cash they could get in this case they were ripping off the people who actually believed Harris could win.

You might have sympathy for these people if they hadn't been so arrogant in the first place looking down their nose at ordinary people as they signed over these hefty checks to the con artist who ran the Harris campaign

In the end people like Spielberg who forked over a hundred million dollars supposedly are standing there with their sticks in their hands wondering what to do now and who to prosecute

Meanwhile all of these movie stars are skipping the country with their ill-gotten gains and hoping not face extradition if they get to the right country

You have to wonder how MSNBC and The View as well as all of the other legacy Media fell into this whether they were duped or if they were part of the con game

Even Springsteen got his piece of the action although he had to pay off hefty price since many of his fans have abandoned him even though he is doing yet another egotistical film project celebrating his life

You know where things are bad for Springsteen when the mayor of the small town where he appears for the film would not be seen taking a picture with him

As for the others who knows who God what but certainly that $20 million disaster in Philadelphia  with so many people getting hefty checks and squandering the 1.2 billion dollars raised to get Harris elected

With that much money you would think somebody would be going to jail

Not to mention the fact that they are already $20 million dollars in debt as well and  are still raising money, stalling all of the election results in California elsewhere in order to keep the money rolling in.

They're going to suck that well dry regardless of what the end result is and we already know in Pennsylvania the losing candidate for the Senate is stretching it out and trying to get even more money from suckers to do a recount

maybe it is a good thing that all of these movie stars and rock stars are moving elsewhere because there are no more Green pastures for them now that Trump is elected

email to Al Sullivan

Monday, November 11, 2024

Trump victory causes shortage of Pampers


You have to hand it to those young women protesting against the election of Donald Trump, who disfigure themselves and promise not to have sex with any man who voted for him.

This is indeed a novel approach to birth control, and will significantly reduce the number of abortions conducted.

This comes at a time when several studies show that liberal women are finding it difficult to find straight Democratic men to date, and have turned to Republican men instead, many if not all of whom voted for Trump. It will be curious to see how these women get around this dilemma.

Unlike the 2022 election (after the U.S. Supreme Court voided Roe Vs Wade and said individual states must decide), abortion seemed less a motivating factor in 2024 election, possibly because many of the married women unmarried women accused of being stupid decided it was more important to feed their families than to find ways to terminate them.

Many of the young women (in some cases young men) disfiguring themselves as a protest on Tik Tok videos spewed such hatred, you might wonder how they could possibly have gotten a date in the first place, doing their best to duplicate Dorian Gray so as to have their exterior expose the ugliness that has existed inside of them all along.

Their ranting and raving must have caused a massive shortage of Pampers and Depends especially at that moment when CNN was forced to concede Trump won. Toilets flushing around the nation may better account for rising sea levels than climate change claims.

Their wailing may well be heard in distant galaxies, as we sometimes hear alien radio broadcasts, and you can only imagine what some unhuman race might think of this juvenile outburst.

Many of these are college graduates who have managed to duplicate the temper tantrums most associated with two year olds. They spout a lot about politics without actually knowing how politics works – most likely never getting to that point in the lectures their radical professors gave, providing we have the most ignorant collection of deadbeats for our best and brightest.

More surprising is the collection of celebrities who have vowed to do horrible things to themselves if the event of a Trump victory. Why would anybody care if washed up TV stars set themselves on fire or drive off a cliff? The idiocy level of our celebrities seems remarkably high. Perhaps we should test the lead levels in water being pumped to Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

This proves intelligence is not a requirement to be an actor or performer.

Unfortunately, the rest of the world will not thank us for our inflicting these brain-dead celebrities, and while the United States moves to deport the millions of illegal immigrants that invaded our shores during the Biden Administration, we may find other countries threatening to go to war to force us to take our celebrities back.

We must hold firm, even if it means calling in the national guard to keep them out.

After all, we’ve already had to tolerate these morons, it’s time the rest of the world shouldered the burden of having them.


email to Al Sullivan