It becomes more and more evident that Democrats needed to steal the 2020 election (as predicted by my essay on how the Russians ought to have stolen the 2016 election) in order to get their greedy hands on federal dollars, in what may be the biggest rip off of American taxpayers in history.
The scary part of what is being uncovered as far as fraud is
that it is far, far worse than we even expected
The Democrats have ripped off the American people so
massively it is shocking that the justice department isn't issuing warrants for
arrest at this moment
We knew from the two major bills that Biden pushed through
Congress during his questionable four years that Democrats and media and other
fun people on the woke side were getting paid off handsomely, we just didn't
realize how institutionalized the rip off was and how long it's been going on
This has been perhaps the biggest robbery of American people
in history and Democrats seem to want to stay on the gravy train even as the
country goes broke
This explains why people like George Soros and other big
money people were shoving money into the Democratic coffers for each election;
they were getting their payoff down at the other end where very few people
could see.
But if you think this is purely a ripoff and typical
Democratic greed, you're wrong
P:laying in this scenario is the Marxist ideology of
bringing down the American government by making it an affordable – expanding entitlement
programs to the point where the county can no longer afford to pay the massive
debt these incure.
The concept is to saddle people with so much debt that that
they eventually rise up and overthrow the kind of government we have for
something more resembling Stalin.
No wonder everybody is squealing and they're using the
course to try to slow down the investigation into just how deep this goes and
how corrupt the people in charge of our finances really are
This is not to say that there aren't well-meaning people in
the mix but those who are ripping off the government aren't well meaning they
are simply greedy or have a political agenda that is not American
As the investigation into this rip off continues, many of those
benefiting most from the rip off will rise up not as a Marxist society but as
Urban or local terrorist groups try to retake the money train before it all
Climate change of course has been one of the big ripoffs
even if that phony Mayor Bloomberg funds it with his own cash it is still just
a money pit going to select people who are scamming people with snake oil
Experiments on animals should which should have PETA up in
arms seems to have skipped over all of those would be animal lovers when it
comes to taking back the money that went to these things
Anti-Israel rappers being paid for the United States and
other questionable activities overseas more than highlights just how fast the
cash has been flowing out and how everybody on the woke agenda seems to want to
get their piece of the action
How this all will be stopped is questionable, since Democrats
have been sucking blood from the American taxpayer for so long, they seem to
believe they deserve it. They are not going to let the GOP take these privileges
away from them without a fight, even resorting to the extreme measures they
attempted against Trump prior to the election last November.
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