Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Is Jeff Flake a stealth Democrat?

January 17, 2018

The more I hear Republican Sen. Jeff Flake rant these days the more I begin to think the wrong politician got the mental examination, and maybe the White House can do him a favor and send over the shrink to see if he's okay
Flake, of course, is the current media darling because he's so out front against fellow Republican, President Ronald Reagan.
But media and Democrats are a lot like the British army was when Benedict Arnold handed over West Point to them. They like the gift, but they'll never trust the man who gave it, and will go for his throat if Flake actually gets what he wants and becomes the front runner in the 2020 election for president.
Flake's folly is that no Republican can ever trust to support him since once he's betrayed the party he's likely to do so again.
So essentially, his deciding to drop out of the Senate race in Arizona pretty much ends his political career and people will more likely trust him to sell them a used car, than anything remotely resembling a conservative agenda.
Flake should have sought reelection as a senator rather than risk alienating every other Republican with his move to the left and his attempt to ride the anti-Trump wave, and his desperate need to create some illusion about what Trump stands for.
Suddenly Flake has become a defender of those institutions his conservative background claims he was again, blasting Trump for doing exactly what Trump said he would do, drain the swamp.”
In fact, Flake sounds more like a Democrat than the Democrats do, suggesting he might have had a blood transfusion that has infected him with a liberal germ.
"No longer can we compound attacks on truth with our silent acquiescence. No longer can we turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to these assaults on our institutions," Flake said in his speech. "An American president who cannot take criticism -- who must constantly deflect and distort and distract -- who must find someone else to blame -- is charting a very dangerous path. And a Congress that fails to act as a check on the President adds to the danger."
This is easy for Flake since hasn't become the target of a media attack that rivals anything seen in politics since Richard Nixon or LBJ, and like a snowflake liberal, Flake sounds so arrogant and self-righteous we might expect to see him out on the street in a woman's rights march bearing a sign saying “not my president.”
Flake is trying to beholden himself to a very questionable media, when the last year has made it very clear media is no friend of any Republican, and any Republican deluded enough to believe so, needs mental help quick.
CNN, the Washington Post,and other outlets have clearly violated every journalistic ethic in their unrelenting attacks on Trump – and Flake's defense of these institutions clearly shows how out of touch he has become in his personal hatred for the president, a hatred not born out of politics, but some imbalance in his own life. Flakes attacks on Trump clearly show that he has gone beyond the bounds of reason and into the realm of revenge.
Fortunately for conservatives, his betrayal of party and common sense will help candidates in Arizona who are seeking to replace him in the senate.
Kelli Ward made it clear that Martha McSally and Jeff Flake have gone over to the dark side of politics and violated one of the basic core values of the GOP in giving into the Democratic proposals for DACA.
Trump, appears to support DACA also, but wants Democrats to give something in return for his support, and this is part of the negotiation Flake appears to want not to take part in.
Flake appears to be seeking to smooth the way for his own presidential campaign by siding with a slanted media in order that they might not gut him when his time comes, when that's exactly what media will do as long as he pretends to wear the label of a conservative.
Flakes comparing Trump to Stalin is not only far fetched, it is dishonest, since Trump isn't the one tearing down statutes or smearing people with sexual innuendo, Stalin like acts which Flake appears to approve, or is so naive as to believe the media really are the good guys when they launch preemptive and calculating attacks on a president with the purpose of delaying or derailing an agenda Flake claims to have believed in.
The question remains, what does Flake really believe?

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