Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Climate change is a scam


The climate change movement over the last two decades is perhaps the biggest hoax since people believed in Flat Earth.
The polar caps are not melting at the insane rate we hear about. The south pole is actually expanding. CO2 does not create climate change.  The oceans are not rising at the rate that so-called conspiracy people claim (rise has been consistent at about the thickness of a penny for centuries.) While there is good reason to do away with coal because of its polluting factor, the fact that it adds to CO2 is largely a myth created by supporters of solar and wind proponents not by real science.
Former vice president Gore actually faked a lot of his results for his conspiratorial film “An Inconvenient Truth” in which most of what he reported came out of the extreme and biased group of scientists not legitimate reflection of scientific opinion worldwide.
Historically there have always been purveyors of Doom, but now the Lunatic Fringe has now taken over the hen house and we now get a pack of Chicken Littles telling us the sky is falling when it is not.
We’ve always had conspiracies predicting the end of the world, fanatics who during religious times claimed the return of Christ or the seven horsemen or worse some satanic uprising most of which we were required to accept on faith.
Science has become the new religion and so we have a new collection of crackpots selling new world ending scenarios while spouting questionable data the way me m of faith once did the Bible.
In my life time I’ve been warned against massive overpopulation, drying up of world’s water recourses, a new ice age and now a new version of Noah's great flood. These purveyors of doom have had me digging air raid shelters (against a nuclear holocaust I wouldn’t want to survive if I could,) stocking my basement with imperishable food, bottled water even life rafts so I might endure the wrath of some new god of science for what we as a human race have done in ravishing Gaia -- a reinvention of the Greek myth that justifies these doomsayers castrating us for these imagined slights.
These days these fanatics have us build walls around our cities instead on arks for flooding that will never come but they claim will come as a result of industrialization. This discounts storm surges to traditionally flooded areas that are blamed man’s increasing the CO2 content as if history didn’t already show storms of this kind existed as long as recorded history, including the Sandy-like deluge that had Noah building his ark.
This is the same mental delusion people suffered when they claimed the universe revolved around us, a massive ego trip by people deluded into believing we have the power to destroy the world just by our existence but no where nearly as deluded by their belief they can save the world.
This egotistical fantasy is worse than the religion and witchcraft science supposedly replaced and relies largely on a gullible public and a cabala of corrupt fanatics passing themselves off as scientists, spouting questionable and often misleading facts as proof.
They claim the polar ice caps are melting and show us videos from a ten year warming cycle that has since reversed itself, as in a similar period in the 1940s and at the turn of the century and many times before that. Even Thomas Jefferson took note of shrinking glaciers in Greenland which like those that plagued New York a millennium earlier, ones that have been shrinking for centuries long before industrialization -- though most in the interior today remain largely unchanged.
The fanatics sell us on the alleged impact of deforestation showing us images of lost jungles to make way for polluting cattle or grain to feed the cattle with, neglecting to show how most of these rain forests have grown back. Even the timber industry replants for ever tree the cut down.
All of this comes on the mistaken notion that co2 creates a warmer climate that will cause massive flooding, unnatural storms, and the end of civilization. These mythmakers fail to not that co2 levels in the atmosphere are at the lowest levels since the dinosaurs and have been much higher even during humanity's time on earth. CO2, while one of a number of so called green house gases, it is by far the smallest. Water vapor makes up just shy of 90 percent.
The folly of co2 contamination conspiracy theory is made worse by the assumption that if we cut down rainforests we increase co2 when increased co2 causes plants to grow and so the more co2 the less green house effect it has because plants breathe it in and breathe out oxygen.
The insane belief we as humans are responsible for co2 increases is at the heart of the new green deal. But we are not the guilty party. The sun and oceans are, providing the world with the desperately needed co2.
In fact the earth appears to have too little CO2 in the atmosphere. Human pollution including plastics may well explain the dangerously low levels of co2.
The new fanatical global climate change went from fringe movement to mainstream when fanatic groups hijacked a UN conference and Gore signed on to it giving credibility it doesn’t deserve.
This is partly generated by a green industry desperate to discredit traditional fuels in order to promote their own agenda.
Gore’s film also came at a time when Democrats were desperate to retake the white house and saw an emerging gullible young population as open to this delusion -- much as they are today
There are a lot of good reasons for reducing the use of coal pollution being one of them. But reducing CO2 is not one of them.
People who climb on bicycles may well be improving their health, but they are deluded in their belief they are somehow reducing their carbon footprint, when with every breath they take they are adding CO2 to the air.
If they really want to reduce their footprint they should just stop breathing.

email to Al Sullivan

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