Saturday, January 4, 2020

Democrats turn terrorists into saints

Saturday, January 4, 2020

I’m stunned by the reaction media and Democrats are having about the killing of a terrorist in Iraq.
We have moved beyond reasonable discourse to a whole new plain of insanity, and how right the Rolling Stones were in Sympathy for the Devil in the ability of people to twist logic – horrible people becoming sympathetic characters whose death our celebrities mourn.
I’ve never had much respect for the intelligence level of movie and rock and roll stars. Whatever I had, however, has vanished this week as known performers apologize to Iran for our killing a man who has killed Americans and orchestrated terrorism.
Media and the Democrats hate Trump so much they are willing to defend terrorists who kill Americans, and this is beyond sad.
Most of it has to do with money – and the need for Democrats to get ahold of the national purse strings, even if it means cheating, lying and yes – encouraging terrorism.
It is said that Republicans represent greedy rich people who refuse to part with any of their wealth to help the poor.
The truth is that Democrats – who own not for profits or work for government welfare agencies and such – make their living off providing programs for the poor. In other words, they get their salaries from taxpayers, and it is in their best interest to keep people poor.
Clinton screwed this up when he murdered welfare. Obama did his best to restore welfare by creating Obamacare.
Yet this greedy need to rob the national bank doesn’t explain the insanity Democrats are engaged in, where they side with terrorists against the national interest – promoting this nutty passive-aggressive assumption that we should apologize to terrorists when we stop them from killing us.
This is even beyond the insane notion in paying reparations to African-Americans for slavery.
The events that led up to the killing of the terrorist are simple.
Iran killed an American contractor. The United States sent a missile in response. The Iran terrorist helped orchestrate an attack on the embassy in Iraq, and when the U.S. Marines broke up the attack, the terrorist met with the protestors to plot some new attack – at which point, the United States killed him.
Media and Democrats were hoping the embassy attack would become a repeat of one under Obama in which the ambassador was killed. Trump’s reaction dismayed them and derailed what would have become a key talking point for the Democratic presidential campaign, and something a slanted media could point to in order to exonerate Hillary Clinton and Obama who allowed the ambassador to die during the previous attack.
Trump’s taking out the terrorist has become the talking point instead, allowing media to take the side of the terrorists.
We didn’t get this from media or the Democrats when Obama killed Bin Laden and then dumped the body in the ocean – leaving some serious questions about due process since Bin Laden posed no additional threat, while the terrorist Trump killed did.
Even Democrats who opposed Obama’s paying the Iranians to keep the peace are complaining about Trump – following the Democratic think tank script that might bring about the downfall of the Trump administration.
This only highlights just how far Democrats will go to regain their access to taxpayer money, and to shape a dialogue that makes terrorists into saints.

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