Monday, May 10, 2021

Media lies are unbelievable



May 10, 2021


George Orwell once pointed out that a lie becomes the truth once you win.
This has been the logic behind the Democratic campaign for the last four years against Trump only it doesn't completely jive with reality -- even though media has completely co-opted itself to that lie
Orwell also pointed out that newspapers tend to lie a lot but tend to stop short of completely fabricating reality.

Of course, this was at a time when publications like the New York Times and the Washington Post pretended to be objective.

Unfortunately, newspapers haven fallen into the same pattern that Orwell accused new media such as radio and television of (online media as well), fabricating stories so outrageous no sensible human being would take them seriously, although most people do – because they tend to take these versions of reality to heart without bothering to fact check. By fact check, I don’t mean the phony biased crap we get from Facebook and Twitter, whose goal is to support whatever lies the Democrats are telling and to discredit whatever truth the GOP is spouting.

Facebook and Twitter's primary role is to pretend that they are fact-checking well they support the lies that conventional media tell.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, it's not working.
CNN, New York Times, The Washington Post, MSNBC have completely lost credibility much in the way LBJ lost credibility when reality didn't match what he was claiming was real.
So lately we have CNN broadcasting the fact that people who still support Trump must be a cult because they do not believe what media has been selling.
This desperate need to turn on January 6th into an Insurrection is a perfect example.
That's real facts begin to emerge we get to see how media helped create the big lie not just about covid-19 or the Russia collusion but about almost everything it reports on especially race relations.
New York Times, for instance, has created a whole new fictional reality about slavery in the United States that the Democrats trying to force down the throats of school children, but which is about as an accurate depiction of history as Jules Verne’s Trip to the Moon depicts an actual moon landing.

All of this phony rhetoric that Trump once called “fake news” is supposed to become reality because the Democrats have won the election.

With Obama – The Ultimate Puppetmaster -- pulling Biden strings, you would think everything should fall in place.

The problem is at least half the country isn’t buying the media bullshit.

This is part of the reason CNN is claiming Trump supporters are part of a cult, when it is actually the left that seems to have all of the attributes of Jonestown, drinking lattes instead of Kool Aid.

If you don’t accept the narrative media is selling, you must be part of a cult.

Media is bending over backwards to celebrate Biden as much as it did to destroy Trump and that isn't working either -- which may explain why the Democrats after Bringing Down the economy with covid-19 felt the need to cheat in the election something that they have been accusing Trump of in 2016.
Sometimes when you tell a lie such as the Russian collusion and the vote stealing in 2016 it gives you an idea that maybe you can pull it off in 2020.
But you have to win to make it happen and you can have a bunch of people in Arizona actually checking the facts to find out if you cheated or not.
This of course explains why the Democrats put up so many roadblocks to actually finding out whether the Arizona vote was legitimate or whether the software company in which prominent Democrats have ownership actually did steal the election.

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