Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Was the virus a political stunt?



If I was a suspicious guy, I would be really disturbed by the face that Dr. Fauci, who headed the CDC’s response to the COVID pandemic also invested more than $150 million in bio tech weapons – some of which was sent to China.

The biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline,  which also happens to own Pfizer (yes the vaccine company),  the Wuhan Biological Lab was also funded by Dr. Fauci (who is promoting the vaccine). GlaxoSmithKline is managed by Black Rock which is the finance manager for Open Foundation Company, owned by Soros -- who also owned the German company that built the Wuhan Lab. Black Rock is also a major shareholder in Microsoft,  whose owner, Bill Gates, is a shareholder in Pfizer and is currently a sponsor of the World Health Organization pushing the vaccine..

I would also be bothered a little by the fact that this apparently man-made virus just happened to get released from that lab at a time when Democrats – also with investments there – needed to bring down the U.S. economy in order to win an election.

Of course, media before this denied many of these allegations in the past when Trump was president but have since twisted themselves into saying perhaps Trump was right in the first place.

Truth is relative when it comes to politics.

But we’re still caught in a bad place.

Woke people hate the idea that Americans are blaming China for killing nearly 600,000 Americans – yet haven’t yet come to realize just how connected their beloved Biden and his group are connected to it.

Nobody is blaming the Democrats for the fact that almost half of all those who perished from COVID died in nursing homes – despite ample warnings from places like Italy that seniors were vulnerable. Worse still, at least four states deliberately sent their aged to die in nursing homes without providing those homes with adequate provisions to protect them.

It’s almost as if Democrats deliberately allowed senior citizens to die in order to scare the general public into voting Trump out of office.

Not only did Democrats appear to have ties to the lab that released the virus, but many democrats are also associated with the software company used to tabulate votes in state’s critical to a Biden win.

If I was a suspicious man, I would think Democrats engaged in tactics for winning the election in 2020 that they accused the GOP and Russians of using to win the 2016 election.

But then, Democrats and media have so turned our heads away from the real conspiracy by reshaping the Jan. 6 Washington DC protest into an insurrection movement, a diversion worthy of the best Democratic think tanks, a slight of hand we get from card sharks and those street corner crooks who palm the pea and then ask us to bet on which cup the pea is under.

What exactly went on in the 2020 election is for historians to examine.

Did we see Soviet like coup by the Democrats?

If so, what can be done about it in the future to prevent it from happening again?


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