Thursday, October 14, 2021

Brown Sugar gets canned by cancel culture




It has been quite a week for free speech and oppression
The old Mighty and Powerful Rolling Stones caved in to the woke crowd and vowed never to play their hit and popular song “brown sugar” live again.

Cancel Culture is determined to live up to its Stalinist best to destroy anything or anyone that says anything that remotely offends them. Since they can claim anything as offensive, the idea is mimic what they say and do, and become nearly as pathetically politically correct as they are (if that is possible.)

“Brown Sugar” clearly offends many of these braindead zombies, who have vowed to do away with racism in our lifetime – ignoring the fact that they are acting as racist as they people they condemn. American philosopher William James pointed out that educated people claim they are thinking when in reality they’ve just rearranged their prejudices – and they current trend for cancel culture is to condemn people for their white skin color.

This is also a week when that idiot mayor DeBlasio (who is married to an African American woman) ordered the removal of a Thomas Jefferson statue from New York City City Hall, living up to that Paul Simon lyric, “the man ain’t got no culture.” DeBlasio like most Woke people contemn Jefferson and the other founding fathers for perpetuating slavery when Woke is too stupid to realize that the Western Culture they are seeking to destroy is the very tradition that helped free the slaves in the first place, led by the efforts of (yes slave-owning) Jefferson.

A lot of this anti-white rhetoric comes from Angela Davis, the wicket witch of the west, who helped author Critical Race Theory. I met Davis twice in my life. She was a silly twit back in the late 1960s when I met her, and even sillier in the early 1970s when I met her again. She has not improved with age. She is still a twit, although desperate to complete with Howard Zinn for the privilege of being the intellectual twit of the Cancel Culture movement.

When God passed out brains, Davis clearly was not online, play acting her role as a black panther to become the role model for that sexy girl with an afro that always wears all black to protests. You can see her type at every Black Lives Matter protest, posing for the cameras.

There is, of course, a lot of attention to the fact that Captain Kirk finally got into space one of those media distractions that keep people glued to things that don't matter so that they do not get too angry over things that are being imposed on them by this new woke fascist society.
In the meantime, the madman in the white houses and his cohorts in Congress are plotting to bring down the Supreme Court because they can stack it with people who believe it woke philosophies
This idea that other people might have ideas that they don't like is unbearable to cancel culture people.
The attack on Thomas Jefferson the course by that nutcase in New York is not accidental Jefferson believed in states’ rights and this is the ultimate offense to this woke fascism that appears to be taking over the planet in which the federal government and the United Nations are being used to impose this new philosophy on people from the top down
When you can tell the Rolling Stones what to play and what not to play then you can control culture; when you can tear down statues you don't like then you control the people's thoughts; when you teach kids things their parents don't want them to know then you control the population and forced people to comply with whatever philosophy you want to inject in them
At what point does the general population wake up to woke?
Hard to tell.

Maybe the propaganda will work, and they will never wake up and will live their lives constantly being told what to think; what to eat; what to believe, what to inject into the bodies; what babies to kill this week.

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