Sunday, November 21, 2021

Do Democrats’ kids make Democratic leaders corrupt?


There is an old saying that one can pick his or her friends but gets stuck with family.

With political families, this has never been truer, especially when it comes to Democrats.

Billy Carter was one of the biggest embarrassments to President Jimmy Carter back in the good ole days when a Democrat was still a Democrat, and not someone trained in  a soviet gulag—the way some of Biden’s cabinet appointments literally have been (such as the woman who he has named to the treasury who was trained in Moscow and wants to destroy capitalism from within).

Bill Clinton was stuck with Hillary for all eight years of his presidency, which may explain why he cheated on her every chance he got.

Hillary gives truth to the comment by radical Marxist Paul Goodman who once said, “the family is the ultimate American fascism.” This, of course, was prior to the takeover of the Democratic Party by Woke, which has since become the leading cause of fascistic ideas.

Hillary – whose career has become a model for a new Godfather movie – has been tied to some many murders, you have to wonder if she sits has Martin Scorsese writing the scripts for her.

Her investment in Dominion ballot-counting software company underscores this idea. But then, Nancy Pelosi’s husband invested in the company as well, suggesting that Democratic corruption spreads more easily than any strain of COVID does.

Biden, of course, lives up to a comment made by Sam Levenson, only modified slightly to suggest that corruption is hereditary; You can get it from your children.

We all know about Biden and his son Hunter, and how Biden even as vice president appears to have sold his office to benefit his son – or perhaps get a piece of the questionable business practices his son engaged in. Since then, Biden has become president, and his son appears to have broker this connection to the White House to an even more successful art career.

Merrick Garland, a corrupt U.S. Attorney General, proves that you don’t have to be an elected official to sell your office to benefit you kids.

Garland's son apparently makes his money off of selling critical race Theory to schools

This explains why Garland planned to send the FBI to investigate parents will object to school boards who promote the questionable theory.

But it appears, Democrats in general with or without criminal sons are seeking to sell the government in order to benefit themselves or their benefactors.

As with everything in the Democratic Administration under Biden this is about money not about philosophy

Green Theory to critical race theory, we are getting the view of how Democrats actually plan to rip off the American taxpayer for their own personal benefit.

We have Garland misusing the FBI for his own personal benefit and we have the president increasing the size of the IRS to do with his former boss did which is target conservatives.

You have democratic legislators who are supporting defund police movements while increasing federal authority which they can control.

It appears that we are witnessing total corruption from top to bottom and there does not seem to be any way to control it because any time you claim to want to hold people accountable people like George Soros sends armies of kids out into the streets protesting racism

Meanwhile there are businesses in San Francisco and Chicago that have been stripped of their merchandise with police hand tied because there is this belief that somehow systemic racism allows stores to do business and that African Americans have a perfect right to rip them off as reparation for slavery neither they nor their parents or even their grandparents actually experienced.

Ultimately, we live in a strange, perverted Society with no rules apply as long as you can label it social justice -- even when it is clear some democrat on some high-level such as Garland or Biden or Pelosi or Hillary Clinton is making a profit off of other people's misery.

All of this is overlooked by a Woke movement that sees nothing wrong with a completely corrupt administration as long as the administration bides by the insane mandates these bedwetters profess.

Logan Pearsall Smith, someone with immense common sense once said, “What is more enchanting than the voices of you people when you can’t hear what they say?”

The problem with the Democratic Party (major league sports, and a number of silly corporations) is that they actually listen to the crap coming out of these social warrior’s mouths.

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