Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Why Biden’s tax law is a crock

 Liberal Democrats are outright lying when they say rich people don’t pay their fair share of taxes.

While some very wealthy people appear to have managed to reduce their income tax obligation nearly all of them are paying taxes of other kind most liberal social justice professors in our universities have not even heard of, not to mention that the wealthiest in our nation create more jobs than Marxist universities ever dreamed of.

And yet, we continue to hear this fallacy (even from all those rich Democratic politicians like Obama and Bernie Sanders) how we need to go after that 2 percent of the population that controls 90 percent of the nation’s wealth.

Even this last statistic is a lie, since by control, they fail to mention these wealthy people generate jobs and control production of necessary goods and services.

This is why the Trump tax cut made sense, allowing more money to flow into those companies that actually provide jobs for people.

But it is clear that much of this is hatred for the wealthy is coming out of Marxist social justice groups who perhaps are jealous that they are not one of the two percent, or more likely, are seeking to live up to the Marxist dream of proletariat revolution, and as the old 1960s rock song goes, “tax the rich until they’re rich no more.”

Biden’s whole tax plan (as well as tax plans in many liberal states like New Jersey and California) are based on taxing the rich to death, only as George Orwell, a well-known socialist writer, point out, it won’t work.

“If you tax all the large incomes out of existence it would still not make much of a difference to the taxes the rest of us would have to pay,” Orwell wrote. “The common people receive most of the national income just as they eat most of the food and wear out most of the clothes because they constitute the enormous majority.”

Some of the fallacies of the fight Administration deal with Concept that you can tax the rich and make up for all of the bills that you pay they're just not enough rich to do that. This means that the common people will still have to pay the bulk of the taxes and is the reason why the Biden Administration hired 87,000 new IRS agents and gave them guns.

If you truly believe these agents are going only after the super rich, then I have several bridges to sell you.

Like everything else Biden has come up with lately, this is a script being written by a Marxist brain trust that is desperate for 1917-type revolution by the proletariat that will establish a socialist state.

Orwell also points out that in countries like England and America that preliterate no longer exists. We are a nation of clerks, not a nation of coal miners, and our population is not the underclass that Marx envisioned. Our kids are middle class, and even our poorest people – including the massive number of homeless in places like California – are the richest poor people on the planet.

For the most part, those that the Marxists are trying to incite to riot are middle class or on their way to being middle class, especially in some of the ethnic communities such as Muslims, Latinos, Asians and even blacks.

This is a problem for Democrats, who have created a Marist slave state in which poor people are dependent on Democrat-run social services. As people move up the social ladder, Democrats have fewer people depending on them, and Marxists have fewer people to incite to riot.

This may explain why we have an open border with Mexico, as Democrats need to import more poor people to live up to their Marxist wet dreams.


email to Al Sullivan

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