Monday, April 16, 2018

Boycotting elite media news

Monday, April 16, 2018

Timothy Leary had it right when he told people to "Turn on, tune in, drop out.”
Although he was not talking about contemporary media, he should have been.
The secret to finding inner peace is not listening to CNN or reading The Washington Post. Their purpose is to make you as uncomfortable as possible – something they are very good at.
The path to enlightenment isn’t via The New York Times or any of the power media players who shape reality to their own liking.
And so, in following Leary’s advice, the way to reach personal fulfillment is to avoid all things that distract you from the pursuit of truth.
Since it almost impossible to get “truth” or even reliable facts from media these days, the best a truly enlightened person can hope to do is to avoid media outlets entirely.
In other words, stop buying the bullshit the big media players are selling, and the best way to do that is to stop reading or viewing their phony products.
Local media tends to be better at reporting local issues. But the minute they step over the line into state, national or international reporting, they give you the same bullshit, largely because they are getting it all from the same three or four elite news organizations: The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times or PBS – all of which are so bent to the left you would need a chiropractor with a welding torch to make them seem even remotely straight.
Except for Fox or more recently Brietbart news, there is very little national media that lens to the right.
So nearly everything we read or see on TV beyond the borders of the state comes from the same few elite and biased media outlets, repackaged by local media who take their word as gospel, and so help spread the misinformation infection though even more devious means.
Since ordinary people cannot possibly have access to the same sources as the army of so-called objective journalists, we are forced to take their word that what they are reporting is accurate or fair, if not objective – when nearly all of it is filtered through some propaganda mechanism such as The Washington Post board.
If it has a Washington Post byline, he can almost be assured you’re being lied to – or at best, manipulated.
As noted before, objective press is a joke, myth gullible journalist students are subjected to and then get taught to ignore.
Media has always been slanted. The concept of “an objective” press came in reaction to the yellow journalism of the 19th century, when media reformers adopted a page of the already discredited Enlightenment and encouraged journalists get degrees, the presumption that they would become immune to personal prejudices everybody has.
This movement for more enlightened and thus objective journalists never envisioned the change in universities that soon brainwashed these poor souls into becoming “activist” journalist, an over educated self-important and arrogant troop bringing to their reportage the belief that they know better than the public and will force the truth down the public’s throat whether the public likes it or not.
These are a crusading lot that avoid the whole idea of objectivity, pursuing their own idea of truth. They are tainted by the misconception that they should take sides in a story or force change through their reporting, rather than giving the public accurate representations of all sides and letting the public make up its own mine.
The colleges spit out these like popcorn, and the elite media hires them.
 The elite media – as with most other media – also have their way of forcing these young journalists to bend in specific ways, forcing them to adopt the media outlet’s slant or find another job with a media outlet that slants in some other ways.
Most reporters already conditioned by college adopt the editorial policies of the media organization was.
News, of course, is managed by a string of similar activist editors (this particularly true with the elite media) who are selling stories out a point of view the media organizations wants. We hear a lot of people complain about Fox, but this is equally true of The Times and the Post. The only difference is that they are selling a different kind of propaganda.
Media – particularly the elite media – are largely unregulated political entities, answerable to no one, and protected by the First Amendment against government interference. So, they do what they want, attack who they want, with no oversight, even by journalists’ organizations.
Of course, few journalists would dare take on any of these media giants.
What reporter with a career in mind would criticize the Washington Post or the New York Times, when these represent the top of the career ladder? So even honest reporters stay silent and leave the questions of these media giants to political cranks or those who have been victimized by media.
The purpose of the elite media is to shape public opinion, but not always in a good way. These media outlets have their own motivations, destroying political lives at whim and without shame. When attacked, other media rally around them because nearly all media organizations, elite or not, value the power they have, and do not want to see things altered.
Even when these media organizations have good intentions, they are little better than benevolent dictators, who at a moment’s notice can turn vicious like a mad dog, even on people they previously supported. These elite media are king-makers, who cannot be trusted – from the beat reporter inside the beltway to the talking heads on TV.
As said earlier, the elite media feed smaller media outlets and so infect lesser news organizations.
Even the once potent TV networks have surrendered to them, allowing these few elites to control how national and international stories are processed for public conception.
This makes it impossible to get “a balanced” view by seeking alternate media sources since all news is tainted. You can’t even rely on going from right wing to left wing media with the hope of figuring out if the truth lay between them, since both are spinning you in different ways, and in most cases do not have a shred of truth. All you get is media static, a radioactive diatribe that spreads hate and disinformation until you can’t tell what is real.
With the 2018 election looming, this noise has been ratchetted, especially in the elite media who is now selling the idea that a Democratic sweep in inevitable.
It might be, but partly because voters tend to believe what they get from these media organizations and act like lemmings to make it reality.
But to remain sane, to not be tainted by all of this ruckus, the best informed are those who are the least informed, and have learned already to turn off this crap, and when going to vote, flip a coin, because it’s likely to be about as accurate at media reportage.

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