Sunday, August 26, 2018

A history lesson for statue-stealing radical bigots

 From "Confessions of a Racist"

August 11, 2018

We live with myths not reality
This is why so many people these days believe they can recreate the past and get away with it, such as endowing sainthood on people like Lincoln upon whose hands drips the blood of 650,000 Americans, violations of civil rights, ignoring the Constitution, and the detaining of tens of thousands simply because they came from or professed sympathy for the South.
History as better people have said before is written by the victorious and so winning can justify mass slaughter since the ultimate result was the preservation of the union and the myth of the freeing of slaves
Yet it seems clear that war -- especially total war as it was waged-- was not necessary to free the slaves and so Lincoln appears to have operated more on the principle of protecting Northern Industrial interest. In fact, it appears that many in the Republican party did not want the slaves set free, fearing they would move north and take jobs held then by white people.
Even Lincoln seem to have other plans for the slave when he eventually set them free, which appears to be shipping them all back to Africa if so then the slaves lucked out when Booth put a bullet in Lincoln's head.
Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Lincoln largely agreed on the fact that if slavery was left alone, it would die out in the South as it had in the North – if, according to Lincoln, slavery was contained to the states in which existed and not expanded to new states. Free blacks already worked as laborers in the border states and the South actually had twice as many societies to do away with slavery as the north did.
This was right up until the uprising in Haiti that resulted in the slaughter of 80,000 whites and the rape and beating of countless others.
But even this only slowed the progress of freeing slaves. Tt was Turner and his uprising in the states that finally put the South on a different path as the South feared more uprisings. It passed laws to prohibit the education of blacks, laws that Stonewall Jackson ignored as he continued to educate slaves on how to read and write.
But the real and most lasting damage to the reform movements in the South came with John Brown, when the wacko abolitionists in the north turned Brown, a murderer, into a hero. This put the South firmly on the wrong side of history since it became clear that the peaceful and loving an abolitionist movement of the north would not be satisfied with anything less than massive bloodshed. This reflect many current and similar trends today and became the driving force behind Lincoln's policies even though Lincoln refused at first to free the slaves as the abolitionists wanted.
Despite the rhetoric by the wackos today who insist on tearing down Confederate statues few if any dispute that slavery was wrong.
Robert E Lee called it “a great evil.” Jefferson Davis insisted the Confederate Constitution outlaw new shipments of slaves.
The issue was not whether or not slavery should be abolished, but how and when, and whether or not those who owned slaves should be allowed to bring them to future states out west, thus expanding slavery beyond the South.
Until the annexation of Texas, and the Missouri Compromise, slavery was largely contained to the south. United States Congress was evenly split between northern and southern states. But new states were coming into the union and the South feared that if the north prohibited the spread of slave states to the West, the north would gain votes in Congress and then impose even more economic hardships on the south that the north already had.
Many of the radicals of today who are tearing down statues claim the civil war was fought to free the slaves. But in reality, it was a conflict over economic philosophy. The federal government was reaping massive profits off the south by imposing high tariffs on raw materials the south sent north. About 60 percent of the federal revenue came from these tariffs. At the same time, northern industrialists were making a fortune off the manufacture of finished goods that they sold back to the south at unreasonable rates – a practice that helped motivate the original 13 colonies when Great Britain did the same thing.
Although the south was largely an agricultural economy, it had begun to see a growth in its own industrial base – prompting fears that north that exploited immigrants with near starvation wages could not compete with the south using slaves for the same jobs.
But by far the biggest issue leading to the war is the same issue was face today as the vastly over populated north with its abolitionists then and liberals today attempt to use the federal government to impose its will on the smaller communities of the south.
This is largely the liberal left tried to do in the 2016 when it exploited its large populations in the city and tried to impose liberal values onto small conservative towns in rural America, New York and San Francisco trying to shove down the throats of little down America their perception of what the world should be. In pre-Civil War days, it was a pack of abolitionists and northern industrialists trying to force the south to live by standards the north established, while the South defended the concept of state’s rights. Northern abolitionist and liberals wanted to be able to set the standards by which the rest of the nation lived and smaller communities of the South much as the smaller communities that voted for Trump rebelled and ultimately these states seceded from the Union.
The great question of the Civil War was not whether slavery was legal or illegal. The U.S. Supreme Court had already determined it was legal; the big question did the much more populous states of the north have the right to use the federal government to impose their will on the smaller populated states in the South, and whether Hamilton and his ilk after the American revolution had violated the spirit of the Constitution in an attempt to steal rights granted to the states and allow the federal government to override those states’ rights.
Ironically, the 2016 election showed those small communities banding together to resist the same conditions that led to the American Civil War, frustrating liberal cities powers they had obtained through massive bloodshed.
This loss of power by liberal cities is largely the motivation for tearing down Confederate statutes and other atrocities committed by radicals who claim they are operating in the interest of African-Americans and other minorities.
Trump's election helped undo some of the victories the Abolitionist and other liberal radicals of the north thought they had won in the Civil War and has the potential to reversed some of the trends that we have seen in the nation towards a super powerful federal government imposing its rights on States.
One of the other huge unanswered questions at the beginning of the Civil War focused on whether the states had the right to leave the Union as they believe they did when the founding fathers set up the US Constitution.
Lincoln opposed this even though he approved of it in other instances such as when Texas seceded from Mexico or when West Virginia seceded from Virginia. This inconsistency is something the South points out frequently since the war appears to have been a matter of convenience not of necessity.
But even after secession the South might have avoided war since Lincoln said he would not send Union troops into the South unless the South attacked first. But then Lincoln provoke the South into attacking by refusing to close Fort Sumter, one of two forts left in Union hands in the south after secession and continued to charge tariffs on ships coming out of the South’s largest harbor at Charleston. Had the South restrained itself and avoided other predictable provocations Lincoln might have thrown at them, American might have avoided the butchery of 650,000 people, and evil slavery might have collapsed under its own weight as the under industrialized South had to come to grips with modern economic reality.
The attack on Fort Sumter gave Lincoln the excuse to wage war on the south – total war in which civilians became targets as well as the military, acts of aggression General Lee refused to engage in,
Eventually the northern total War became the model for how the union with late deal with Native Americans.
Many people claim Lincoln's election prompted the succession, which it did. Lincoln won in 1860 with only 40 percent of the popular vote and like Trump became president partly because of an overwhelming majority of the Electoral College a sore Point among Democrats who were expecting to see Clinton elected over Trump in 2016.


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