Monday, August 27, 2018

Was Watergate a Democratic coup?

Monday, August 27, 2018

Because so many prominent Democrats are comparing the current situation with President Trump to what happened in the early 1970s with then President Nixon, you have to wonder if the original Watergate was as authentic as history pretends it to be.
The investigation prompted by the so-called reporting Woodward and Bernstein eventually led a very liberal media then to bring down an unpopular Republican president – paving the way eventually for the election of a Democratic president in 1976 and control of the Congress in the 1974 midterm elections.
Was Watergate actually a political coup by the Democrats, and one so successful, media and the Democrats have decided to use the same model to unseat Trump?
Were Woodward and Bernstein ordered to go after Nixon much the way Washington Post reporters appear to be ordered to go after Trump today?
Is there a reason Steven Spielberg decided to make a propaganda film “The Post” as a reminder of that passed success story?
Perhaps it is too much to believe that the Democrats then were smart enough to come up with a scheme as clever as that one would be if indeed, media and the Democratic Party conspired to over throw the presidency just as they appear to be doing today.
Contemporary Democrats clearly used the intelligence services while Obama was president to build the foundation of this conspiracy, although in truth, the Russian conspiracy is too much of a joke for anyone but dump Democrats to believe, a lot like the exploding cigar scam the CIA once plotted to embarrass Fidel Castro.
But the new Watergate scandal seems so much like the old Watergate that you have to wonder if like the scandal of today, the old Watergate wasn’t something of a fabrication made up in some Democratic think tank and carried out by a biased media pretending to be objective even then.
As now, ownership of the Washington Post in 1972 was questionable, a woman who had deep political ties to the Democratic Party, a power player who like the Post of today thought she had the ability and even the right to dictate who should be president. Did she and her editor cohorts order Woodword and Bernstein to go after Nixon in the same way the owners of the Post today appear to be telling its reporters to do?
Media has always served as a vehicle for revolution, whether it is the legitimate kind of 1776 or the more questionable kinds we got in Russia in 1917 or the one in Germany in the late 1920s, creating a climate of phony legitimacy so that the real power brokers and seize power, and brainwashing the general public into believing the takeover was justified.
Watergate was one of the most horrendous misuse of power by a president in recent memory, but only because the players got caught. As the Pentagon Papers show, such behavior is common in both parties in modern times, and far worse before we had serious public scrutiny.
So, with media clearly out of control, and biased, you have to wonder if the Washington Post and The New York Times of the 1970s were doing much the same as they are now in setting the stage for a political coup. Bernstein has been public calling the Trump situation “worse than Watergate,” and while he and Woodword have become the patron saints of a corrupt media, the question lingers were they doing the political dirty work back then that their contemporaries today are doing?
Was Watergate something media and Democrats go away with so successfully then that they now think they can replicate it again. Why let a good scheme go to waste?
So, this begs the question: What did Woodword and Bernstein know and when did they know it?


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