Saturday, August 10, 2019

NJ’s Pathetically Correct Attorney General

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Grewal just issued a report on biased incidents in the state of New Jersey.
More than half the reported cases came from colleges and universities, a scary concept since colleges these days have become incubators of misinformation where students are expected to find racism under ever rock.
One university even required white students to write an essay on why they should be ashamed to be white.
Pathetically correct in schools are constantly trying to rewrite history to reflect their somewhat twisted vision of reality, such as the Elizabeth activist who want to remove the name of Ronald Reagan because he once said something questionable.
We already know activists hated Lincoln during his own lifetime because he preserved law over mob rule when it came to outlawing slavery.
In San Francisco, fanatic radicals want to destroy a mural of George Washington because it also depicted Native Americans (a term many Indians hate) and slaves.
All of this comes at a time when Toni Morrison died, a good writer, but someone who fed into this anti-white crusade, a black woman who preferred propaganda like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” to real literature such as Huck Finn (both books written by white people.) Of course, being a white male who once served briefly in the Confederate Army, Mark Twain has been called a racist, too – clearly showing how little of his work critics have actually read (he openly condemned slavery in several of his travelogues but since these radicals are better at banning books than reading them, they would not know this. You would expect Morrison, an author, to be better, but she was not.
We can’t expect better from Grewal because we all know that attorney generals on a state or federal level are required to be political stooges – and so like Holder – Grewal does not disappoint us. But the fact that he is feeding into this anti-white racist frenzy is actually dangerous – giving creditability to this illusion that there are white supremacists under every stone just as there were communists in the 1950s.  This gives license to monstrous terrorist groups like Antifa or productions by NBC depicting violence against those media and schools claim as evil – in these cases, anyone who ever even thought about voting for Trump.
 No doubt racism exists and incidents happened. But how many are provoked by overzealous zealots and something criminals like Antifa?
The most visible of this hatred came out after the 2016 election as fanatic liberals became shrill when they could not lie or cheat to get their candidate elected.
The establishment of a Joint Bias Task Force will only exasperate this anti-white prejudice es, adding more questionable allegations by already questionably reliable people, who imagine racism under every bed and homophobia in every closet
Grewal and his side kick, Oliver, should show convictions, not accusations, and detail the circumstance behind each of these reports. Otherwise, all they are doing is feeding this hate.

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