Thursday, August 8, 2019

Popcorn people call Trump a racist.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Democrat think tanks are spewing out a lot of crap these days.
This is not unusual for think tanks for the right or the left. What makes this dangerous is the fact that there is a built-in audience of true believers – I call them the pathetically correct (PC), who eat it up – the way movie-goers eat up popcorn.
To be in the in-crowd these days, you have to proscribe to a certain PC ideology, largely made up in these think tanks, and spread through media.
I call them big and little lies.
The Russian conspiracy to influence the 2016 election was a big lie – which taxpayers spent tens of millions to disprove.
Small lies are much more effective because no Mueller investigation is ever going to uncover them as lies, and popcorn-eating liberals gobble them up as fact.
One such lie is the idea that Trump is a racist. Another is that he supports white supremacists’ groups. Others paint him as misogynistic. While still others paint him as homophobic.
There is very little to collaborate any of these small lies except for a more than willing and dishonest liberal-controlled media that spreads them and distorts coverage to support these lies.
Day in and day out we hear how Trump’s rhetoric leads to gun violence by white supremacists, while media plays down those cases in which the culprit is actually a supporter of people like Warren and misguided and dangerous causes like Antifa (anyone who wears a mask is a criminal, white or black.)
If there is a terrorist connection, liberal media plays it down, but harps on any case that involves right wing killers, crediting Trump as the cause.
This comes even when the Trump Administration issues statements to the contrary. Braindead PC people still believe his rhetoric led to the violence, when they cannot actually support this with anything he said, just as they can’t support the claims that he is a racist.
This is fantasy that borders on psychosis, a liberal public unable to get over the shock that other people elsewhere in the country could win an election despite the massive voter fraud Democrats appeared to have used in 2016 to have the outcome come out differently.
We have transcended the concept of a fair media, and have evolved into a movement in which mainstream media has become an organ for spreading misinformation, pretending it is all the news fit to print, creating myths that popcorn people accept as fact because it fits in with their existing prejudices.
The truth appears to be exactly opposite of what these popcorn people believe, and when you have a sitting US congresswoman calling for the assassination of a sitting president and Hollywood spewing out movies that call for hunting down of Trump supporters, you have to wonder just who is actually inciting violence, and why mainstream media isn’t calling them to task.
But the answer is clear. Media has taken a side and is too busy screaming fire inside a crowded theater to actually report facts.

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