Monday, January 18, 2021

Big Tech’s Big Lie



How do you know when a news anchor is lying to you?

His or her lips are moving.
Unfortunately, it’s much harder to tell with the more remote big tech fact checkers operating behind the scenes. You have to assume that if they are censoring you, they have something to hide.
If you thought the Russian collusion was the big lie then you are not ready for the one being created after the capitol protest on January 6th.
We are seeing myth making at its best kind, of unscrupulous distortion of fact in order to create the biggest lie ever told in American history.
And Big Tech’s role is to make certain there are no alternative versions people might get distracted by.
For those who believe truly that the Democrats stole the election this amounts to a massive cover-up and collusion between the Democrats, media and Big Tech.
This would explain why Tech and the media are shutting down any alternative views. If you’ve stolen an election, the last thing you want to do is have some idiot broadcasting it all over social media.
This, of course, is very similar to what happened in the late 1960s when government colluding with media did their bests to shut down alternative press.
On top of this, we have Democrats purging anyone who dares raise a question about the legitimacy of the election – including elected GOP officials, so as to eliminate any credibility to the accusation.
No court has yet to review the evidence of voter fraud, shutting down and dismissing cases brought on technicalities.
To make matters worse, media, Big Tech and the Democrats have manufactured an even more audacious lie about Trump inspiring an insurrection, when there is clear evidence the invasion of the Capitol Building may have orchestrated by left wing radicals seeking to smear Trump supporters and use the incident as justification for censorship and hunting down Trump supporters (even exporting them or sending them off to work camps as some more extreme radicals in media and congress have suggested).
This is similar to the Reichstag Fire in which the Nazi’s set a fire, then made it look as if socialists and Jews had done it, as an excuse to crack down on them. Only now, the socialists may have orchestrated the invasion of the Capitol Building in order to justify actions against Trump and his followers.
The problem is the Capitol Building doesn’t measure up to the Reichstag standard.
Intruders the invasion of the capitol was a tragedy for five people one of them was a protester one was a capital guard who sympathize with Trump, but it is not the insurrection the Democrats claim it is when they call for Trump to be impeached. It is not Kent State where a group of National Guards shot for people dead
It's interesting how news works when you want to create a fiction you start with a small lie and then you slowly build on it escalating it to the point where it becomes so ludicrous that you would never have believed it in the first instance but it is like a lobster who does not know when the water is boiling and killing him
Each lie builds on the previous lie until we are in such a state of exaggeration that we have gone far beyond reason.
This explains why that wacko AOC claims that her life was in danger because she was around people without Masks.
But remarkably that's the least of the exaggerations
We are watching Orwell's doublespeak in real life coming out of the mouths of media when they claim that Trump incited the riot when the invasion of the capital was going on while he was still speaking and before he got to the point where he said fight fight fight for your rights
All this exaggeration is being done under the guise of justice and social justice when it is far from either.
What is happening is a total seizing of power whether they stole the election or not the Democrats are now going to create a dual society and we'll make scapegoats out of anyone who dared support Trump in the past.
People who voted their conscience will suddenly be crucified because they did not follow the party line
And without an independent press to serve as a check and balance we are bound to become a fascist State whether or not it is left rather than right.
All this is being done behind the fiction of Biden being this remarkably patient and wonderful grandfather who is going to bring unity to America when in actuality his lack of control will tear the nation apart
But to listen to media and to the Democrats is to believe that this is the worst Uprising since the Russian Revolution
Was this an orchestrated event by anti-trump people to push the white supremacist narrative that some of the more extreme Democratic Congressman have been pushing for years?
The whole thing obviously scares the crap out of the Democrats and media because it shows that half the nation is incredibly loyal to Trump despite all of the lies and deceptions that media has pumped out.
the solution, of course, is to get Big Tech to silence the underground press that has been successfully questioning the authority of mainstream media.
You can't successfully create a big lie unless everybody believes it
Whether or not the election was stolen is beside the point.
People have a right to question that outcome and to see the evidence. Yet you have a court system that is suppressing it and Rogue Republicans who see this as an opportunity to advance their own personal agendas. You have a media determined to keep the together this fiction they have created for four years of a self-righteous social justice movement.
This is not about social justice this is about raw power who gets to spend the federal money and to whom they send it to what's favored contractors; what agendas they can push through to guarantee that the money flow continues to go into the pockets of their friends.
Obviously media and Big Tech see themselves as getting a piece of the action just like the climate change scientists and other globalist who need to restart the money flow Trump stopped when he became president.
More seriously Trump is a danger for the future because he has the kind of wealth that can create his own social network and do serious damage to mainstream media by creating and a significant independent alternate media so it is clear that impeaching him will ruin him or so they think.

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