Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trump as The Titanic


Wednesday, January 13, 2021
We are watching the concluding scenes in the movie Titanic
The iceberg has already scraped the side of the ship the water is flowing into the bowels and the ship is tilting down.
If there was a love story in this four-year sail through American politics, it is long over and people are now scrambling to land somewhere so that they don't drown or freeze in the turbulent frigid water of a new Democratic regime.
This is why Mitch McDonald, Liz Cheney and Chris Christie have abandoned Trump, each seeking a place in a lifeboat in the hopes the Democrats won't notice them dressing up as legitimate left-wing people.
We, of course, are watching a rare bit of history, something we have not seen in the United States since the end of the Civil War when the power elite exposed itself in a desperate attempt to maintain itself.
The Power Elite is a term developed by sociologist C. Wright Mills (a socialist) to describe those who actually operate the mechanisms of power, most often behind the scenes – the bankers, the wall street moguls, the owners of media, and such.
Back then this power elite were the robber barons, the railroad and Northern industrialist who could not afford the South seceding from the union and losing valuable resources that generated wealth for everybody concerned.
Back then like today after the Civil War, we had media and politicians colluding in order to reshape reality and put the pieces of fractured nation back together in a manner that was suitable to them.
History has shown that the power elite hate populist leaders like Trump and the protest on January 6th only scared this group of people even more – which is why they are playing up a protest no more unusual than many seen in the 1960s or even currently in places like Portland -- into something that resembles the French Revolution.
The Power Elite transcends political parties.  These bigger than Life characters are like characters out of Rand novel, who divide up the nation and the world.  And except for a little give and take control almost everything.
Republicans take their turn; Democrats take their turn; and ultimately everything is balanced in a way these super rich people are happy with.
It is a world in which powerful people are at the top of a pyramid and they owe so much to all of the bricks that make up that pyramid they cannot completely become a full of themselves.
Bush, Biden, Clinton even Reagan were all part of this Elite, propped up by many powerful people who allowed them to stay as leaders as long as they did not stop the gravy train.
But once in a while someone comes along that is not beholden to everybody else. This person is truly a danger to the game because he or she is not accountable or controllable
In this case, Trump fits the bill, an independently wealthy man who wanted to change the rules and do away with this arrangement between power Elite
This is why almost from day one, the mechanism of the elite – which include the principal media sources -- began a campaign against him.
This included fellow Republicans who did not want their share of the spoils taken away by actual real reform.
It also includes celebrities, movie stars, musical talent and others who are have their positions thanks to some power elite benefactor and their wiliness not to rock the boat – the way John Lennon did.
In some ways, we are seeing a repeat of Napoleon and other leaders prior to him throughout history who have based their power on popular appeal – people who have a mass of people behind them rather than just the power elite.
This scares the hell out of everybody playing the game and made the power elite desperate enough top expose themselves in their power grab and need to unseat Trump, and to completely destroy what they seen as the Cult of Trump.
We are now seeing that purge as the newly reconstructed Elite begin slowly to destroy all of those people who are part of the Trump “conspiracy.
Never In our lifetime have we seen open-handed power grab as we have watching them trying to overthrow Trump, his elite forced to expose their hand the way the Wizard of Oz did when the curtain was drawn, and the mechanisms of power exposed.
The elite normally likes to disguise its hand in a velvet glove of legitimacy and for the most part operates within this illusionary set of rules called democracy.
But that changed this year when it was clear that the Democrats were desperate to do anything to destroy Trump, even destroy the country, throwing out every civilized rules, using every means possible to make sure that they get their puppet by elected
So, everything can later go back to normal.
But it won't be enough just to bring down Trump. Everybody associated with him especially the powerful people will be hunted down and persecuted. It will be likely that the power elite will want to strip Trump of his wealth as well and so if he is convicted or if he tries to move his money you may see the elite take it in order to guarantee he won't live up to the promise that he will build a new party and a new media Empire.
This is more than just kicking the dog while he's down; this is about dismantling his mechanism to make sure it can never rise again -- much the way the Romans made sure Carthage could not when they salt earth
This is much like the Royals in Europe did when they divvied up Napoleon's power and gave it back to the those whose heads managed not to suffer the guillotine.
Media’s using terms like “Uprising” or “insurrection” is no accident. They are using the post-Civil War model to justify the purge of Trump people and why Trump people can not gain powerful positions inside or outside government every again.
And it is why some who have been on the margins are desperate to make sure that they do not go down with a sinking ship. People like the good minority leader, the former New Jersey Governor and others are making their own private deals with the Democrats, assuming of course, that they won't be persecuted when ultimately, they will be, too.
When the ship goes down everybody who ever had anything to do with Trump is going down with him.

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