Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Kangaroo Court?


Wednesday, February 10, 2021


We all knew that the impeachment trial for Donald Trump after he left the White House was going to be a kangaroo court, but we never figured that some of the kangaroos would be Republicans.

Now when I say Kangaroo Court, this does not mean I have anything against Kangaroos. They are probably the nicest of persons as individuals, but when they hunt in packs, they are utterly ruthless.

In fact, most kangaroos are probably more qualified to sit in the House and Senate seats than many of the people currently occupying those seats.

This, of course, was the point the protestors were trying to make when they took their protest into the Capitol Building, making it clear that those Kangaroos in Congress cannot keep legislating life and death issues out of the reach of those people whose lives they oversee.

As with the protests in Chicago in 1968 and to a lesser extent those that took place in Columbia University that same year, protesters brought their complaint directly to the congress – who would otherwise be hiding in their chambers completely ignoring the people they presume to serve.

The fact that republicans joined this Kangaroo court only guarantees conviction and as established a new rule of law that says you are guilty until proven innocence.

It actually won't matter what evidence Trump's lawyers present since it is already a foregone conclusion that he is guilty as charged.

This is all designed to make sure that he can never run for president again and take the money out of the pockets of the mainstream politicians who have been making a killing off Insider political deals for their whole careers.

Media and Big Tech are just as culpable, if for different reasons. 

Trump’s lack of respect for mainstream media was like waving a red flag in front of a raging bull, with the predictable results. Media likes to think of itself as important as they people they cover, a pathetic narcistic fourth estate whose feelings got hurt when Trump made it clear just how fake their reportage has been over the years.

Nothing pisses off media as having someone like Trump tell us we’re not important and nobody should take us seriously.

Big Tech has a whole different reason for hating Trump and his followers and a lot has to do with China, which controls the key raw materials that go into making up nearly every computer device used in the world.

This is the reason why many politicians won’t crack down on China either, or why big tech is doing its best to shut up critics of an election in which Democrats may have used that technology to steal the election.

If you mess with big tech, it gets even, and if you threaten China, you become a target.

Crucifying Trump is an absolute necessity for all the parties involved because they can't afford to have another Interruption like the last four years.

This is partly the reason why the Democrats and big Tech we're willing to destroy the economy in order to win the election and perhaps even using technology to cheat the GOP out of another four years

Of course, we have already started to hear the parade of witnesses against Trump -- how this man incited a riot even though he clearly said for protesters to March peacefully and there is a big Tech record that shows that the attack on the capital was pre-planned will before the march even started

These facts are irrelevant; innocence is irrelevant, when you have a rigged Court to start with.

Why we would see Republicans joining the kangaroo court is also extremely obvious; they all have their eye on the White House or at least protecting their seats against the wrath of the vengeful Democrats who are less interested in justice than they are in revenge.

How this all plays out over the next two years or four years or in the history of the United States it's still a mystery.

Will future Generations realize just how unjust the Democrats were in getting their pound of Flesh and how they not only destroyed the economy to win an election but destroyed the country and all its institutions and everything it is ever stood up for in order to have their day in kangaroo court?

In some ways that's exactly what this trial is about -- to put people back in their place and to show that if you try to control your own country and to make legislators accountable, you will wind up in a show trial or worse sent to the gulag  for doing very little that hadn't been done before by other protesters in the 60s, in the thirties even during the lead up to the Civil War.

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