Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Pelosi’s war on patriots


No matter how many orchestrated resolutions passed in countless Democratic strongholds across America, there is no evidence – except what Democrats have invented – to prove Donald Trump did anything wrong on Jan. 6.
In fact, the evidence shows the opposite.
But we hardly live in an age where truth matters or where you get your day in court. We live in era where we fabricate evidence, using the media to sell lies in order to pump up support for the deception.
Now that Democrats have failed to successfully impeach Donald Trump on a second trumped-up charge, Nancy Pelosi has formed a commission to investigate what happened on Jan. 6.
This is a new version of closing the barn door after the horse has gone.
If she didn’t have the evidence to impeach Trump, why didn’t she launch the investigation before the trial.
This, of course, is a lot like the new lawsuit against Trump comparing the protest to a Klu Klux Klan rally. Don’t people get tired of creating propaganda based on absolutely ludicrous conclusions?
These black leaders might just as well file the same lawsuit against Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for his march on Washington all so many years ago.
Perhaps Pelosi needs her commission to investigate each and every legitimate protest march that has ever taken place in the history of America, scraping the bottom of the whisky barrel for some shred of evidence that will make her witch hunt seem legitimate.
You could tell the impeachment was a sham just from the vote with seven pathetic and desperate Republicans leaping onto the Democratic bandwagon in the hope they can survive the political purge the Woke generation has unleased on the unsuspecting world, seven Uncle Toms who have decided they have a better chance of surviving if they placate to their Democratic masters.
Nobody on either side actually looked at the evidence in the case, only their own navels, voting their party line in complete contempt for justice.
You have to wonder where these seven republicans will end up if the extreme left in the Democratic party gets its way and totally destroys the GOP now and forever?
This is a religious crusade by a pack of pathetic atheists, who have made it clear that you have to agree with the Democrats, or you don’t get a vote in America – Pelosi and her stooges determined to dictate what everybody should believe, while still trying to call this democracy.
This is supposed to be America where even racists white supremacists have the right to vote and to select the candidate the best represents their interests.
But under Biden – who is determined to destroy the constitution – and Pelosi, who never read it in the first place despite her oath to uphold it, we have entered into a whole new realm – and Democracy doesn’t describe it, though the novel 1984 does.
People have described Trump as a shyster – but it is perfectly clear, he’s a shyster determined to spoil the political game for a lot of people who have gotten rich doing the people’s work, without having actually done any of the people’s work.
After scaring the bejesus out of people with their COVID-19 campaign, democrats are so busy trying to make sure Trump and his supporters cannot rise from the political grave that these very democrats are putting more citizens in graves or making them desperate to get a vaccine of which there is not enough.
Why is Pelosi wasting time and money in this insane witch hunt when there are people suffering and scared?
This was the point of the intrusion into the Capitol building on Jan. 6, to make it clear to people like Pelosi that they can’t make decisions that destroy people’s lives and remain immune, that eventually people are going to get angry enough to take their case directly into the halls of so called justice – which they did and which scared the bejesus out of the legislators who assumed they could make life and death decisions without ever having to look their victims in the eyes.
This is the reason why media and the Democrats are so concerned with Trump and Jan. 6. They want to make sure these leaders are never going to be answerable to the public.
It may be wrong for protestors to crashed through the gates of the inner sanctum where these so-called legislators decide the fate of our lives – just as it was wrong for those who threw the tea into Boston Harbor or for Martin Luther to post is declaration on the doors of the Catholic Church.
All legitimate protest against the establishment is seen as a crime, and all of the perpetrators are hunted down – just as the British did in seeking to murder the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
When tyrants control the houses of power, patriots are labelled criminals.
email to Al Sullivan

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