Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Media as the town liar




Tuesday, April 20, 2021


Long before we got pathetic institutions such as CNN and MSNBC to help keep us misinformed, villages often learned of late breaking events from what were called “Town Criers,” who traveled from town to town and heralded headlines from the town square.

Nobody really knew if the news they got was true and had to rely on the integrity of the herald to testify to its validity.

Media has hardly progressed much from those wonderful days, although George Orwell once noted that newspapers tended to lie a lot but could not quite get away with the outrageous campaign of misinformation that the new media does.

Double standards in media are almost a prevalent a pandemic as double speak among politicians.

So, it's no big surprise that media and the Democrats lied about how the capital city officer died on January 6th or worse refuse to hold Maxine Waters accountable for inciting violence as they claim Trump did.

Media the Democrats have been making up stories about Trump and their supporters for years.

The propaganda campaign waged against those who protested on Jan. 6 shows how little shame media has in displaying its biased and its effort to undermine a legitimate movement questioning the legitimacy of an election many people believe the Democrats stole.

The people who went to Washington on that day had legitimate concerns about whether or not the Democrats manipulated the election.

After all the Democrat conspiracy theories about how the Russians helped steal the election for Trump in 2016, it seems the Democrats took the lesson to heart in order to use their fantasy to actually steal the election in 2020 for Biden.

It doesn’t  take a rocket scientist to put two and two together to come up with the fact that maybe the Democrats thought this was a great idea for them to use in reality in 2020.
Unfortunately the GOP has yet to prove conclusively that the Democrats stole the election even though there is a huge amount of apocrypha to suggest they did.
But a lie is a lie and these Democrats and media certainly manufactured the death of the Capitol officer into an indictable an impeachable offense which turned out to be bullshit.

And yet when Waters spouts even more contemptable rhetoric that may have led to the death of a National Guardsman, media seems unbearably silent.

Unfortunately, Orwell was wrong about newspapers when he said they often lied but did not go beyond a certain point of exaggeration.

At the end of the day all we are getting is constant rhetoric from media and not accurate information at the Washington Post has had to retract it's reports on the so-called questionable phone call to Georgia that Trump made in the senate runoff race.
The New York Times was forced to retract the fact they claimed that the capital officer was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.
As it turns out the officer went home and died of a stroke.
This constant lying by media is nothing new we have seen it over and over again for the four years of the Trump presidency but it is existed going back Generations even to Watergate
That illustrious Washington Post duo (Woodward and Bernstein) that presented itself as Batman and Robin turned out to be frauds as well living off their reputation for a kind of Journalism that ultimately destroyed the journalistic ethics and turned a bunch of wannabe into snoops and thieves.

A recent report showed that reporters for The Guardian -- a very questionable media source out of England -- hunted down people who were contributing to the defense fund of a conservative man charged with shooting looters after these armed looters shot at him first. The Guardian clearly stepped beyond its role as a media source to become an advocate of misinformation and vigilantism.  Eventually come out in court and we will start seeing a parade of retractions as media tries to cover up its own incompetence or Worse its culpability in a political coup.

This much is openly evident from a recent undercover expose on CNN in which reporters admitted they were deliberately targeting conservatives. CNN is so pathetically pro Democrat that it doesn’t even qualify as a news organization.

We are living in a time when extreme bias in news is the norm, not the exception, and the caliber of news people being brainwashed in colleges has taken a nosedive from which the news profession is not likely to recover.

How do you know a reporter is lying? His lips are moving.

Meanwhile the streets are burning with rioters who mistakenly believe that black men are in particular targets of cops – when statistics show this is not the case, regardless of how media manipulates them to make it look that way.
We live in a terror of myth-making and lies and the problem is those lies become truth the more they are repeated and as Orwell pointed out, people believe what they are told regardless of what the facts are.


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