Friday, April 16, 2021
You have to love Nancy Pelosi for saying how tough she is.
This is a woman who hid under desk when Capitol protesters came onto Jan. 6 to hold her accountable for stealing the election when she and her colleagues realized for the first time in their lives, they will have to actually face the people whose lives their legislations ruin.
Pelosi and her pack of legislative cutthroats have operated in the isolated chambers called Congress for years without any sense of morality or accountability.
She calls herself a Street Fighter, trying to mimic the frauds who burn down cities such as Portland and Seattle and Minneapolis.
But Pelosi is a fraud, part of that privileged California elite that hides their true colors behind a liberal badge, and her actions behind the facility of social justice.
She doesn’t even qualify as a social warrior – just another elite like Jane Fonda, who spouts crap but doesn’t do much but talk.
Pelosi is a like that kid in the schoolyard who hires lineman from the high school football team and then taunts people by saying you can't get me cuz I'm tough when in fact the people who are tough are the thugs she hires – in this case the National Guard.
You have to remember, Pelosi is saying these things these days from behind barbed wire where she can taunt people with her arrogance.
This is the same out-of-touch person who went for a haircut during covid-19 then destroyed the hairdresser's business went Pelosi got caught violating her own rules.
Pelosi is the absolute symbol of political arrogance and democratic hypocrisy that kind of snake in the grass who when faced with reality scurries back under a rock.
The only thing tough about her is her scaly hide, a skin so thick that no human emotion can possibly ooze out of it.
But she has plenty of venom and she injects this into ordinary Americans every day
But then this is what the Democratic party is all about, cheating and lying in their pursuit of power – remember, she is someone who has ties to the questionable software company that helped Democrats “win” the election for Biden.
Like most of her kind, Pelosi is ruthless, if not tough, desperate the maintain her position of power, who will likely wiggle her fingers and laugh when the protesters from Jan. 6 go off to jail for wanting to hold her accountable for her misdeeds.
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