Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Welcome to the new Democratic plantation


Nothing much as changed in America when it comes to enslaving black people.

I’m not talking about the distorted history espoused by the 1619 Project, Howard Zinn and other fringe groups.

The fact is Democrats still think black people incapable of making their own choices or living their own lives without special assistance.

What's amazing is how little the Democrats have changed since the days of the Old South
Although we get all of the propaganda about how badly slaves were treated prior to the Civil War, what people really don't understand about the Deep South was that Democrats painted themselves as the lords of the manor whom black serfs serve, surfs that must be taken care of, guided and sometimes punished.

Despite the abolitionist propaganda then and now, treatment of slaves prior to the Civil War varies from Plantation to Plantation.

For the most part, slaves were treated reasonably well – if only in some cases because of the significant investment masters made in acquiring slaves. Most masters would no more beat or humiliate or starve their slaves than they would a horse.

Many – especially the large plantation owners – literally modeled themselves after British royalty, and believed they owed a certain allegiance to their slave-like surfs – provided these slaves were loyal to their masters. These slave owners were often baffled by slaves who resented being “taken care of” and hated the abolitionists who deliberately sought to get slaves to rise up and revolt (a rare and mostly unsuccessful event since many slaves feared the unknown concept of freedom when they were clothed, fed and housed by southern masters)

Most of the plantation owners saw blacks as incapable of taking care of themselves and needed these lords of the manor to see for their welfare.

Some masters – as accurately portrayed by some of the current propaganda – were egomaniac and cruel; Most were not; most honestly believe that they were operating in the welfare of their Serfs, failing to appreciate the fact that black, red, brown or yellow, these people could take care of themselves if provided with the necessary education and resources.

A hundred and fifty years later, Democrats still play the role of Lords of the Manor, only today, they use government funding to act out their role as benefactor.

Instead of having individual Plantation scattered through the South we have a federal government that has become the central Plantation and the Democratic Lords of the manor distribute wealth in order to take care of the hapless and the helpless which happen to be people of color
This is what's so insulting about most of the arguments they make including all of the propaganda coming out of the New York Times and critical race Theory – which along with Howard Zinn – as being injected into the educational curriculum to further implant the idea that black people are victims of social injustice and only Democrats can help them.

Understand, Democrats make a lot of money out of providing these – such as the current U.S. Attorney Garland, whose son sells Critical Race Theory packages to school districts. Many prominent Democrats serve as landlords, stock holders or chief executive officers to programs funded by government in order to provide for needy people of color.

To keep people in color in place, Democrats reinforce the idea that such surfs are victims, and that white conservatives are clearly trying to disenfranchise them – such as requiring proof of identity to vote (when many people of color already had to provide such ID to get access to the programs Democrats oversee.)

The never-ending barrage of propaganda pushed through liberal media paints these Democratic overseers as benevolent redistributors of wealth (missing that like any good mafia operation, the overseers get their cut.)

Although sometimes referred to as “nanny” leadership, Democrats are hardly the equitable people they claim, being overly generous with taxpayer money they themselves share to run all these programs.

It is hugely important for Democrats to maintain the fiction that only they can help people of color and to paint conservatives as evil people who would strip people of color of their rights.

Through curriculum pushed through schools, kids are taught they are victims and that they must rely on liberal programs – must the way old south masters kept slaves in the dark about what freedom was. The south prohibited blacks from getting and education to avoid abolitionist propaganda. Today’s Democrats have taken this a step further, giving kids miseducation that will guarantee their loyalty to the new planation masters.

People of color are taught from kindergarten that they are helpless and victims, and only the Democrats can make them free, when it appears, such dependence only further enslaves them.

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email to Al Sullivan

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