Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Rock caves in



Just when I thought The Rock actually got a pair of balls to stand up against censorship, he turns out to be nothing but another castrated celebrity.

I’ve never been a fan of The Rock. He always struck me as a fraud, a wannabe macho guy who talked a lot and often took political sides I disagreed with.

So, I was utterly shocked when he decided to defend Joe Rogan against Hollywood’s censorship, a truly braver act than any of his on-screen characters ever displayed.

But alas, The Rock turned out to be just another celebrity fraud, caving in to the pressure of his Hollywood contemporaries to promote censorship

The Rock justified this change of habit, but saying he had been “educated,” on the matter – apparently having gone through the typical celebrity fascist education camps.

Since The Rock doesn’t have much of a brain, it didn’t take much to brainwash him.

As in the 1950s, Hollywood has created its own black list, casting out people from the celebrity club that fail to comply with the accepted Ideology.

Celebrities like The Rock don't really think for themselves. They are committed to preserving their place in the social order and realize they have absolutely no power other than popularity – and this can be taken away from them the moment they step out of line, as other celebrities quickly learned. You can stay silent, but you can’t speak out against Hollywood oppression without significant cost, loss of contracts, more importantly, loss of position in the Hollywood establishment.

This is different from Neil Young and David Crosby who are has-beens in the first place and basically cling to their fading celebrity status by making bold Woke statements to remind the public they are still alive, clinging to their celebrity status by the skin of their teeth.

Hollywood has circled the wagons against anything that disagrees with the woke narrative and will excommunicate anybody who does not mouth the party line.

It is stunning just how all of these so-called rebels like The Rock turn out to be pussies when push comes to shove.

So, we're watching The Rock turn into Uncle Tom right before our eyes, and it is a scary concept.

I’m not a fan of Joe Rogan; I’m a fan of free speech, and the real victim of The Rock selling his soul is free speech.

I never had much faith in Neil Young, who has always exploited the current trends as to seem like he’s in the hip parade.

The Rock apparently has the same tendency, and originally sided with Rogan, less because he supported free speech, more because Rogan may be the most powerful voice against mainstream media’s monopoly than any single person, and The Rock saw this as his opportunity to look and sound hip, when he’s not.

But having his arm twisted by the Hollywood inquisition “re-educated” The Rock much in the way a bull whip used to re-education slaves in the deep south,

People hate Joe Rogan for various reasons but primarily because he is so powerful it threatens to bring down major media and raise questions about the monopoly on truth that outlets like CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and the Washington Post have.

If Rogan is allowed to continue, then we may see people seriously question the kind of “truth” we get from major media. So, we are watching an all-out attack on Rogan, requiring celebrities to earn their keep by crushing Rogan.

Unfortunately for mainstream media, Rogan is the wave of the future, and new generations will pay more attention to people like him than they will the usual talking heads we get filling our heads with nonsense on MSNBC.

The Rock got the message. He either turns against Rogan or gets excommunicated by Hollywood.

Clearly, The Rock knows where his bread is buttered.






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