Sunday, February 6, 2022

Truckers woke up woke




Woke got outwitted by its own failure to understand basic Marxism.

As George Orwell has pointed out fascism tends to use media and fear to manipulate people and to control the population.

This it's largely have the Democrats took back control over America over the last five years resorting to propaganda and terror of death to covid in other means to manipulate a gullible public into buying into their agenda.

So, it is odd that the right-wing protest against mandates should demonstrate for the woke crowd just how much closer woke is to fascism than it is to socialism.

The trucker protest did a lot to also wake up a largely dormant conservative population, lulled to sleep over the last few decades so to miss the takeover of traditional power structures such as labor unions by the Marxist woke crowd – this most evident in teachers’ unions.

One of the central maxims of Marxism is that he who controls the means of production controls everything

And the trucker rebellion in Canada showed just how true this concept is.

Few things scare Democrats as much as people seeking to retake control of government from blowhard, corrupt politicians as a popular uprising such as this.

This is why Democrats have gone after the organizers of the January 6 protest, in a desperate attempt to keep a lid on what might boil over into a real people’s uprising (something George Orwell promoted)

The same is true when it comes to Joe Rogan, whose podcast challenges the powerful Woke propaganda machine by providing an alternative to the dishonest narrative Democrats and media have been giving us.

Orwell pointed out that Fascism and its twin brother, communism, tend to use major media to lull the populace into a false sense of security, while operating behind the scenes to control power. True socialists and true workers groups tend to work from the bottom up, creating grassroots campaigns that the power elite cannot control.

While media desperately tries to save the Democratic narrative about why people can’t find food and other things on the shelves of supermarkets, the truckers brought the point home about phony vaccination mandates – one of the narratives Democrats are desperate to maintain in order to keep people in terror.

All the pontificating by corrupt mainstream media is not going to fill empty shelves in supermarkets. So, the protest By Truckers pointed to the one fundamental flaw in Bernie Sanders phony socialism in that it showed that real workers hold the real power and not some pontificating idiot in Washington and regardless of how you manipulate CNN the New York Times The Washington Post or MSNBC you can't feel someone's hungry stomach with bullshit.

Short of violence – such as demonstrated in China when tanks rolled over a single protestor, suppression of information is the principal tool of Fascism and communism.

The woke people and their Media  accomplices desperate to hold on to the Monopoly of propaganda which is why they're going after Rogan and Spotify and using their celebrity cronies to accomplish this, living up too another maxim by McCluen, who pointed out the medium is the message – so if you are using tools typically used by fascists and communists, then you must be a communist or a fascist, even if you profess to be pro-Democracy.

When Neil Young wails about unfairness and racism after having lived a privileged Life as a white musician living a privileged life in remote colorless Canada, he is largely protecting his status as a celebrity. He is an example of why celebrities like Barbra Streisand, Cher, even Rosanne come out on the side of Woke. In some way, these celebrities have made a deal with Satan in that their status depends on the powers behind the green curtain, and risk losing it if they don’t protect those who suppress us. None actually know anything about real working people or poverty but like good actors pretend they do.

Obama is the most successful in modern times of manipulating media to his own uses and this is why he and his wife came out against Spotify this week because Rogan threatens to undermine the basic power grid for the Democrats control the media.

Fascism like Obama's doesn't work if there are voices of Freedom somewhere else challenging their narrative.

George Orwell pointed out that phony socialism and fascism were able to flourish in the 1930s because media kept people deaf dumb and blind with a false narrative.

This was also true over the last six years in this anti-trump Crusade by the Democrats.

Obama held on to power because major media loved his message even though he was full of crap

Rogan threatens to steal the one tool this Democratic fascism uses, by undermining the message of major media and to wrest control of the message out of major media's hands.

You can't control the message if there is an alternative raising really serious questions whether about the virus or the legitimacy of the 2020 election.

This is part of the reason why Liz Cheney and others on the January 6th committee are so desperate to crucify protesters. January 6 questioned something the power elite wanted to keep hidden, such as how government actually works, the way the wizard did behind the scenes in oz. And with the help of major media, Cheney and others have created the illusion of an insurrection when in fact it more strongly resembles the trucker protest that brings power out the hands of the elite and back into the hands of the people where it belongs.

The reaction to the Jan. 6 protest lives up to yet another adage by William Shakespeare, who point out that Democrats “protest a bit too much,” meaning that if they did not steal the election they would not have to suppress that message that is getting out anyway; they would not have to crucify the protesters in order to silence them about the legitimacy; they would not have fought tooth-and-nail in court to prevent honest recounts or examinations of the election results. The Democrats would not have suppressed evidence or had software companies destroy records or keep codes hidden that would allow honest look at what the election numbers were. Democrats would not be going after Trump now for wanting to seize voting machines if Democrats were not trying to destroy evidence of election fraud.

If the Democrats were so secure about their misinformation campaign in regard to covid they would not be trying to shut down Spotify; they would be going on to Spotify to explain their position.

But as the evil queen in Snow White shows, Democrats and major media will tolerate no rivals. You can’t make propaganda work if people have access to all available information and are allowed to choose for themselves.

The suppression of Rogan is not about misinformation, it is about keeping the general public from thinking.

Unfortunately, the Democrats and their media communists ran headlong into a convoy of trucks that showed media and Democrats up as the fascists they are.

We also learned again how far Democrats will go to maintain their power from stealing an election to allowing Fascist GoFundMe to steal $10 million from the truckers.

Rogan is showing how corrupt media is which is why they're trying to shut him down and now the truckers have shown just how corrupt some of these organizations like GoFundMe are how much they are in the pocket of the same Elite power structure.

This protest By Truckers proved another point that people are more interested in full belly than the terror the phony Marxist and media are spreading.

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