Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Who will protect us when the system fails?


Wednesday, July 6, 2022


Another day, another mass shooting, and another culprit the police failed to do anything about when there was plenty of warning.

The shooting inspired the Democrats to scream more about limiting gun sales, when each shooting like this only inspires ordinary people to buy more guns because the system, we would have to rely on to protect us (and which the Democrats would have us depend on) is broken.

The FBI is completely useless, more interested in going after parents who protest against the teaching of critical race theory than going after people who actually post a threat.

Local police – as several incidents recent – are either too scared, too equipped or too bureaucratic to actually do their job.

Many of the shooters are teens with serious mental health problems, and an underfunded and ill-educated mental health system. Teachers, who might be the first alert to these troubled teens, appear to be more interested in grooming the next generation of transgender kids or stoking up racial hate in the classroom.

So, what’s the answer? Few guns?

School safety is easy. We just don’t do what is necessary to protect them. Security in airports is a good model for school safety since there hasn’t been a serious incident in air traffic since 9/11 and nearly 20 years prior to that.

Protecting a parade is more difficult, although Times Square on New Year’s Day is a good model, allowing people into a confined area after their bags have been checked.

But ultimately, government needs to invest more in mental health, and to set up a better system of red flags – not for guns, but for potentially dangerous, since almost everyone of these crazies was on the public safety radar prior to these mass murders.

The fact is, even if you eliminate guns the way the liberals would have it, the danger remains. You can kill just as many people by mowing them down in a car (even if the car is electric), and as New York City subways have recently shown, knives can be a very effective means of killing people in enclosed spaces.

If someone is as whacky as the most recent shooter was, then the system needs to act when there are obvious signs. You’re not going to get rid of legal guns (no matter how large the magazine) if the cops won’t take their guns out of their holsters when the shooting stops.

Private citizens will buy more guns to protect themselves when they believe the police won’t.

But investing in police isn’t a popular philosophy among Democrats these days, who believe every person of any color behind the badge is racist. Cutting police budgets because of some imaginary systemic racist fantasy doesn’t protect people – although if you believe the Democratic extremists, cops are only there to protect rich white people and their wealth. Tell that to the victims in the schools and streets, many of whom aren’t white or rich.


email to Al Sullivan

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