Thursday, September 19, 2024

How to lie like Hillary Clinton sept. 19, 2024

Hillary Clinton, one of the most notorious liars in politics, appeared on MSNBC the night before last, promoting censorship.

Clinton brought her broom and witches hat and discussed censoring conservatives even though the show she appeared on, Maddow, is the biggest purveyor of misinformation in the county.

Clinton came  spouting the same crap all Democrats have been spouting since she lost to Donald Trump in 2016 – fake news Maddow has been promoting for years.

The problem for the Democrats is they have created a big lie about who Donald Trump is. manufacturing with media's help a fantasy that their followers follow as if an article of faith.

Hillary invented the Russian collusion stuff, a lie funded by her campaign which even the FBI was reluctant to accept as fact. But with the help of miscriants like Maddow, Hillary managed to create a political circus that lasted all four years of Trump’s first term.

Almost everything you hear about Donald Trump from democratic controlled media is a lie and even some of what is coming out of the GOP traditionalist especially those turncoats is the same

they have tried to derail Trump through lie after lie after lie accusing him of racism and of inspiring insurrection which was not an insurrection

the January 6th committee was perhaps the biggest joke of all, a total fantasy designed to create the illusion that Trump supporters are radical -- some are some are not -- but the fact is the left and the Democrats behind Hillary and now Harris are so extreme as to be un-American

media especially during the recent debate has decided to take a side not because of anything real but because they have bought into the fantasy and the lies as well that they help create

if Harris wins it will be because of this immense conspiracy between media like Maddow and democrats to keep Trump from doing what he promised to do which is dismantle the greed machine Democrats and some Republicans have used for years to rip off taxpayers and to completely convert America into a socialist Nation

Hillary, of course, has become the linchpin of this because she is the scorned woman, the woman who should have been the first female president and fortunately voters were wise enough to realize what a hypocrite and a liar she is and voted her out

but she has become the heroine of media like MSNBC which is basically all misinformation all of the time. the fact that Hillary decided to gut the first amendment and free speech on MSNBC is no accident but it is ironic that the one network that spreads the most crap and disinformation is the place where she's proposing censoring other Americans who have other opinions other than herself and those who support Trump

Trump supporters are not stupid no matter what Hollywood idiots like Howard Stern claim but they are dedicated and so in the end of the day it will be a fight over who can dispel the Democratic lies that have been told for years

Whether or not intelligent voters realize the Democratic party is not their party and not intending to do anything good for them

this is just another Hillary scam and she is reading from the Democratic think tank script which is to continue to lie and steal and cheat and do anything to keep power now that Trump is on the verge of taking it away from them

email to Al Sullivan

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