Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Howard Stern knows stupid sept 18, 2024


Howard Stern called Trump voters stupid

Stern should know stupid when he sees it since his show historically was the radio equivalent of Jerry Springer with a following so stupid they score lower on an IQ test than a pet rock

Stern is not stupid but he is a second rate Imus and Imus was pretty pathetic as a role model

Stern statement this week about stupid Trump supporters show just how desperate he is to maintain his ratings and his status as yet one more out of touch Hollywood liberal, a sad example of celebrity self-delusion--  people who became famous and for some reason try to sell the public that they are somehow wiser than ordinary people and who dictate what we should believe and how we should vote

this delusion of self-importance is a disease that has spread far and wide among celebrities and which we must tolerate in order to have a free society even though Stern and his cohorts do not believe in the basic rights to select candidates of our own choice and so Stern needs to tell us “stupid” people how we ought to vote even though he tends to exploit the stupidest people on the planet, his audience hanging on his every word, drinking his Kool-Aid while he makes himself rich

Stern certainly knows what stupid people look like because he has embraced them his whole career. he simply hates people who have opinions that disagree with his and do not fill his pocket with cash

email to Al Sullivan

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