Saturday, September 15, 2018

Is Feinstein God?

Saturday, September 15, 2018

“I am the Lord thy God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

As I said before Feinstein isn't completely responsible for her vicious attack on Kavanaugh. She is simply part of a culture of meanness that goes back more than two centuries, a philosophy of liberalism that has become perverted mean and destructive.
The new left doesn't believe in God because it thinks it is God, and that by having this moral high ground, Feinstein and the left believes it has the right to perform heinous acts and conduct mean-spirited attacks on those it opposes, a God-like power justified by its moral superiority.
In other words, the ends justify the means – even though the result is often the creation of the very social Frankenstein the left claims to oppose.
Feinstein and to some degree Booker follow a somewhat questionable tradition dating back to the pre-civil war abolitionists who were willing to murder 650,000 people in order to force the South to acknowledge their superiority.
Then as now these liberal gods hide their self-righteous self-importance Behind so-called moral issues such as immigrant-rights, women's rights and in the old days slavery and then like a crusade and the Inquisition, do whatever is necessary to force their will on other people.
The political right has often criticized the political left for this concept of entitlement that the constitution gives people more rights than it actually does, and that this misconception of the Constitution has ennobled people to demand things they have not actually earn for themselves.
The new left somewhat differs from the past movements in that we have transitioned out of working-class society where people were expected to earn a living to a new age of middle management where everybody is expected to be getting the same ultimate result despite their personal abilities or lack of.
This may explain part of the new left’s hatred of Western Culture and why someone like Plato is seen as a fascist, since he believed that people were born with certain limitations and that each person must seek a level of success that matches these abilities.
But in contemporary society we do not want to hurt the feelings of people who may be less adept at certain things than others. Everybody gets an award; everybody is a winner; everybody will reach the same level of success even if government has to step in and force the issues. This is a mental shift of cosmic proportions.
So modern society requires that everybody must go to college; everybody must earn a degree; everybody is entitled to a successful future even if what they pursue is unrealistic or beyond their abilities. This is the contemporary vision of equal rights
This is a misconception born out of the struggle to actually get real civil rights and equal chance at success but not guaranteed success.
The abolitionists of the pre-civil war had this vision of slavery as an evil thing and then became the puppets of industrialist who saw slavery as an unfair competition and also wanted to break the back of a monopoly on cotton the South owned. So, there was this moral Crusade to bring down the South to humiliate those who dared to resist and ultimately created the racism that did not exist prior to the Civil War.
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy that if you paint your enemy as evil then you create the evil that you predict even if that evil was myth previously.
The Reconstruction of the South brought on by Radical Republicans and abolitionists created the conditions that led to Jim Crow and other anti-black laws because Radical Republicans and abolitionist were too remote for the southerners to strike back at, and so freed slaves called Freeman became easy targets. So that the massive slaughter of humanity and the destruction of landscape brought on by the Civil War ultimately created the monster worse even than the slavery they thought to end.
We are seeing a similar crusade today one born out of the same illusions and one that will ultimately bring down the same kind of hatred. In this, sometimes well-meaning, but clearly deluded people take on God-like power; forcing their opinions down the throats of other people rather than come to some common ground.
Feinstein and the radical left refuse to believe that other people's opinions are valid on issues like states’ rights or abortion and are willing to destroy anybody's reputation to force their own agenda rather than to seek common ground. And so, they provoke the very evil they profess to oppose such as what happened in Charlottesville, where the passive aggressive left pretended they had moral high ground yet used tactics designed to incur wrath of their opponents. This is the real motivation behind tearing down statues, a kind-of-spitting in the face of those they had and daring their enemies to strike back.
These self-righteous martyrs evoking some superior morality and a god-like power they even deny god.
It is said that the evilest of evil is that evil which hides behind the face of good and Feinstein recent attacks clearly show just how evil she is and the philosophy that supports her.

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