Sunday, February 17, 2019

Banning guns is a racist hate crime

February 17, 2019

Liberals are obsessed with getting rid of guns, not just illegal kind that criminals use to kill people every day, but legal guns owned by responsible gun owners.
One castrated liberal man from the upper west side in Manhattan claims that he would do away with the Second Amendment entirely.
“Can’t kill people with a peashooter,” an equally liberated female coworker said.
While some victims of mass shootings have very good reason for disliking guns, in many cases liberals does hate guns nearly as much as they hate the people who own them.
This is short hand for white conservative males and basically racist.
Liberals dislike the gun culture and resent those who own guns in the same way they hate the confederate flag and statues to confederate heroes – and liberals would do away with that whole white male culture if they had the power to do so.
Snowflakes from the east and west coasts are determined to destroy the mythology of gun and the power it implies, in order to promote a more castrated version of the modern male.
Liberal media plays up each mass murder as if we in the United States had a monopoly on mass slaughter, when we do not, and that gun owners are somehow to blame for these incidents.
It is true that the gun has become the weapon of choice for madmen in the United States.
But liberals assume that Europe and other places around the globe are somehow better off for having fewer guns and so have fewer mass murders.
This is hogwash.
This is not to celebrate guns in America or that by arming the population we might some how have fewer mass murders etcetera.
But liberals selling us a myth when they blame guns for these atrocities, and that we ought to follow the example of more civilized countries that put more restrictions on guns.
Mass murderers commit mass murder, here and abroad, and the lack of guns does not stop them.
Tens of thousands of people die every year from mass murders worldwide, using everything that includes bombs, cars, poison gas, and such.
In 2014 there were 13,370 such attacks in 93 countries, a sharp rise from the year before, and which have continued to rise ever since.
Many of these mass murders – sometimes called terrorism – did not or only partly involved the use of firearms.
While American media becomes unhinged when there is a shooting somewhere that involves a gun, we barely hear about the thousands of attacks around the world that do not unless the number of people dead exceeds some magical number set up in a media news room.
A mentally deranged person is going to find a way to kill, and even in the United States some of the most high-profile mass murders did not involve guns, but box cutters, airplane fuel, a pressure cooker bomb or even manure.
Even liberals somehow found a way to do away with all guns in America, these deranged people will find another way – much as they have in Europe where they have run down people with automobiles.
Making rudimentary bombs and other weapons of mass destruction is relatively simple – proving the old concept that you can get bomb making material from the supermarket.
Anyone who has a car has a machine of mass murder. Anyone with access to a gas station, a glass bottle and rag and a little gelatin has the bases of a kind of homemade napalm.
Liberals are stupid even though they act that way sometimes and media is perfectly capable of looking at the numbers of mass slaughters elsewhere in the world to know that the gun argument is bogus from the point of view of number of victims.
In the vast majority of cases, the madmen involved in mass murder were well-known to the authorities – this is particularly true of Parkland, where the FBI was warned, the school district well aware, and the sheriff’s department ordered not to deal with the situation.
These are the institutions that liberals claim will protect us, which fail utterly again and again, showing just how helpless people have become.
Again, this is not an argument in favor of arming everybody in order to shoot down as suspected mass murderer. But it is an argument against blaming guns.
And when liberals mean banning guns, they generally do not mean the kinds of guns that are found in the ghetto since those are generally illegally gotten in the first place. What liberals mean is they want to take away the gun rights for legal gun owners and this usually means white conservative males.
This movement to ban the Second Amendment is largely the same kind of movement of tearing down Confederate statues because liberals don't like what they stand for and do not like the power such symbols has guns and statues evoke.
Tearing down confederate statues is a hate crime, banning guns is racism to the core.

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