Saturday, March 6, 2021

Analyze This!


Saturday, March 6, 2021


You have to wonder what the transvestites are going to have left to read to kids now that all mainstream media seems to be censoring dr. Seuss and other classic children’s tales.

Let's hope it's not Moby Dick

eBay is the latest to jump on the fascist bandwagon -- while not quite burning books certainly censoring any book that it deems unacceptable for children to read, in other words, any classic that seems to support white culture.

Disney which is always had a fascist streak has banned Dumbo, Peter Pan and films suggesting that they are stereotypical as if claiming white cops are always after black people and everybody who is white is a white supremacist.

Clearly eBay, Disney and senile President Biden believe it is okay to stereotype whites but drawn the line with Peter Pan.

Nobody seems to see anything wrong with this picture

But it is clear from Orwell and other great writers that once you start down the path censorship it never ends and anything from Uncle Tom's Cabin to Huckleberry Finn be considered terrorists inspiring.

Democratic decisions are rarely made for the purpose of social justice. There is a lot of money at stake, especially involving corporations that sell their products primarily to the African American community or to markets in places like China – this last explaining why professional sports are okay with desecration of the National Anthem since they have a huge market share, they will lose, both among black Americans, but more importantly the markets they maintain in China.

This is the same problem Hollywood has since most films such as Spielberg’s War of the Worlds make most of their money off of ticket sales in China.

Big Tech has a lot to protect since China controls the raw materials necessary for most computers and handheld devices. So, conservatives questioning China threaten the bottom line of these companies. The fact that YouTube can remove a video about a Supreme Court Justice so just how serious the situation is and how out-of-control mainstream media and high-tech has become serving as propaganda tools for particular kind of illogic so we can get transvestites reading to our kids in pre-kindergarten well we cannot watch The Muppets without a disclaimer.

We have a president United States who rubber stamps anything that's put in front of him even when it makes no sense such as having men compete in women's sports

The author of Harry Potter was right there are only two Sexes another words two genders and just because you cut off your dick doesn't make you somebody else and it is not up to the world to acknowledge that change.

Cutting off your dick doesn't make you a woman it makes you a castrated man

While we can respect a person's decision to mutilate themselves or to live a life that they imagine they want to live; it is not our job to validate it. And it is not up to Pelosi or any university to demand that we recognize other people’s self-declared genders.

Choosing to control pronouns the way Pelosi is trying is the equivalent of selling us all on the fact that the emperor has new clothes; just because you have people controlled so that they will not say the obvious it doesn't mean they're not thinking it and how perverted all of this has become

The fact is if you're offended by dr. Seuss or Dumbo or Peter Pan didn't you have a serious mental problem and need to get psychiatric help.

So instead of sending social workers to police actions the way many of these lunatics social justice Warrior suggest, we need to subscribe Thorazine to whole nation and get them to wake up and realize that they are acting insane.

All this starts at the top with the fact that the Democrats managed to get a senile old man elected as president who was recently yanked from the airways when reporters started asking questions that will not scripted. Now we hear hemming and hawing from his handlers as to when he is actually going to give a state of the union, suggesting his stability may not be what they wish it to be and they never was.

Just what point America regains its common sense remains to be seen; it may take decades; it may take a generation; it may never happen at all

This leaves us saving up old VCR tapes of Dumbo and other classic film in order to preserve some sense of culture that the woke people would like to destroy.

The irony of this attacking Peter Pan and Dr. Seuss is that it goes to the heart of the liberal community not too conservative. The Muppets and Sesame Street were early tools of political correctness, and now they clearly are not politically correct enough, and we have these white, guilt-written social justice warriors are determined to destroy the very culture they grew up on and so are in some insane overreacting against their own parents.

Freud would be having a field day analyzing this.

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email to Al Sullivan

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