There are currently more troops guarding the Capitol Building than there are in Iraq and Afghanistan, which – as one social media commentator pointed out – shows us where the real enemies are.
We are in the midst of one of the most massive campaigns against truth that we have ever seen in any part of the world, where everything is under attack by a group of people who hate culture.
The president’s banning of Dr. Suess may well be symbolic of this insanity since it comes so close on the heals of Disney putting disclaimer on Sesame Street, and Hasbro attempting to castrate Mr. Potato head.
You can’t read some Dr. Suess stories, but you have transvestites reading for pre-k kids – obviously something is wrong.
Pelosi outlawed pronouns on the floor of the House of Representatives, where congress people have sworn and oath to uphold the Constitution – which includes Freedom of Speech.
I agree with the Supreme Court ruling that said gay people have the same right to get married as straight people. But it is not my job to validate other people’s perceptions of their own gender. As the creator of Harry Potter pointed out, there are only two sexes, even if you castrate yourself in order to make yourself over into something you are not.
Freedom means you have the right to do it; but you can’t force other people to accept how you define yourself – except in a twisted world created by people like Pelosi, who want to force you at gun point to accept it. This is a lot like the Soviet brainwashing of yesteryear when you were told to say black is white and white is black – and in our society, if you are white you are clearly a White Supremacist unless you agree to prostrate yourself at the feet of the masses and declare how ashamed you are of what you were born.
New Jersey recently removed the term “Freeholder,” claiming it is racist – when it really isn’t. The concept that people who owned land were allowed to vote had more to do with the fact that these people were not transient and had a vested interest in the community – called skin in the game, meaning that they had something to lose when drifters who owned no land did not.
The American Dream is under attack not because it not an admirable ambition, but because some people – especially those of color – have not been able to achieve it. Part of it has to do with the history of slavery in which French flesh merchants in places like Haiti deliberately broke up families and those from common villages in Africa in order to break the back of potential rebellion (something that clearly backfired with the Haiti uprising that saw tens of thousand of French butchered and thousands of French women raped.)
Generations later, Black Americans still struggle with the lack of a nuclear family that makes it possible to achieve the American Dream. But instead of building up family values, new radicals claim the nuclear family is racist – mostly because white families have achieved it, and blacks have not,
We tear down statues of Confederate heroes and ban Confederate flags less because they are offensive as they are symbols of resistance to an imposed culture that started with Reconstruction, these being a big “fuck you” to the liberal establishment that can’t bear the idea that other people have differing opinions and do not agree with how history has been rewritten to create a false history.
These arbitrators of new truth promote second chance for drug dealers, rapists, murderers – claiming these people can change – but refuse to give a second chance to those people whose heroic efforts created the very freedoms that allow these protestors to say and do what they say and do.
Princeton University banished Woodrow Wilson because he was a bigot, despite the fact that he helped win a world war, combat a deadly virus and laid the groundwork for world peace through his League of Nations. Even Robert E. Lee had a redeeming value, openly opposed to the concept of slavery, and at the conclusion of the war when he set them free, paid each of them out of his own pocket so they could start a new life.
The New York Times propaganda called Project 1692 so twists history as to ignore that more than half the slaves set free at the end of the Civil War returned to work for their former masters, and that the year 1692 marked the beginning of the first independently elected legislature in the New World (perhaps the whole world at that time.)
Because media is currently in bed with new socialism, we get a twisted view of crime, assuming that criminals are a product of their environment (which they sometimes are) and not a product of greed and other aspects of human nature. So, in places like California when someone breaks into our house in the middle of the night, the police can’t just respond to protect you, they must ask if that person is doing so because they are poor.
It is true that throughout history the role of police is the protect property – and since white people tend to have more property than black people – their role appears racist. But instead of finding a way to help black people get more property to protect, the socialist model would take property from those who worked hard to get it and give it to people who may not have earned it all.
But in fact, most people in poor neighborhoods black, white or other color, want protection from the element that social justice warriors have elevated to the status of saints, but most of those who support police are scared to death to say so.
We have a media that sells the concept that cops are racist, completely ignored the power struggle that goes on every day in the street, the provocation of criminals looking for an incident they can exploit. While we hear a lot about how black people fear police, the incidents that are highlighted are not of police picking on innocent people, but generally cops over-reacting to criminal activity, using force in excess of what is needed at the time.
But in almost every case, the incident evolved out of a crime being committed and the so-called victims of police brutality are often the culprit in a crime in which other victims remain unnamed, often these other victims are people of color.
But in our twisted world, we have a vice president going to the bedside of known rapist and telling him how proud she is of him, and then have prosecutors going after a white man who fired back at armed aggressors, earning the label in media as a white supremacist for defending himself.
This twisted logic doesn’t come out of the African American community. Most of the activists who protests the deaths are well-meaning. This reinvention of reality is being generated by white liberal supporters – many living in the lap of luxury of some institution of higher education such as Princeton, where they pontificate on reality they know nothing about, turning sinners into saints because they have some socialistic vision of a world they want to exist, but cannot possibly exist in the real world, and a media that has been taken over by these deluded professors’ students, and scared to death businesses who see their profits evaporating if they are seen to somehow promote racism – so we get faces of real and legitimate black heroes of the past stripped off of pancake boxes because people are too stupid to realize who those people were when the pictures appeared on the boxes in the first place. We have movies being censored, we have class books being censored, we have free speech being censored, all by people who don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.
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