Monday, December 13, 2021

Banning bacon in California?



The whackos on the left coast are at it again.

Many products derived from pigs will soon be banned. So, we may see a whole new smuggling industry arising in the far west to rival to boost to booze marketing that took place during the early 20th century with Prohibition.

We are seeing the same outbreak of social justice mental illness that we saw at the end of the 19th century when someone threw open all the doors to the mental institutions and let the inmates out.

These days these psychopaths have gravitated to the West Coast and large inhabit places like California, Oregon and the state of Washington (though you can find their kind in many of the larger cities elsewhere such as Atlanta and New York.)

The banning of pig products is only the start. Once the Green Meanies get a taste of power, they will soon ban meat products all together – especially cows, who they blame for all sorts of atrocities such as Global Climate change.

If there was ever a good reason to leave California, the banning of bacon is one.

Of course, those living close to the Arizona and Nevada borders will have it easier, since they can simply slip over to Phoenix or Las Vegas for a quick nip of the old meat – provided the Woke Police do not set up check points and check their breath or consumption of the banned meat products.

But all hope is not lost. There are politically correct solutions to this loss. Imitation bacon has existed for years – as unpalatable as it remains. Bacon made from soy or other vegetable products, however, poses other problems such as increasing grain and other production that also increase the carbon footprint – thus violates one of the other Woke commandments AOC and Al Gore brought down from the mountain on stone tablets.

Killing of beasts for meat is also offensive – something Woke would have banned from the age of cavemen (and women and transgenders) had Woke woken up back then.

In the 1970s, (when many pre-Woke people were singing lullabies to their house plants) even the idea of eating products grown from soil was offensive and proposed a diet that was based on a paste grown from one-cell organisms. How could we dare eat plants to whom we’ve played the Beatles and Bob Dylan?

Perhaps a better solution would be to recycle what we already have, rather than revisit old issues as to whether the house fern has consciousness and can feel pain.

California and other Left Coast locations have their own ample supply of fresh meat that can be recycled to replace bacon. Planned Parenthood alone butchers nearly as much as the pork industry does, and when they can’t sell off the biproducts of their industry, most of the meat simply goes to waste.

While some might find using the body parts of aborted babies in this way distasteful, the fact is human meat comes close to the taste of pork, and most people if not informed would hardly notice the difference.

Ramping up abortions in these states would not be a problem, especially in the supreme court lets stand anti-abortion regulations being imposed in other states such as Texas.

Women using abortion as birth control would flock to California and other liberal states more handling the demand for baby-made bacon. And even if the local production doesn’t meet the demand, abortion clinics in other states would be more than willing to send their fetal matter, thus avoiding the costs associated with properly disposing of the remains of what once might have been babies.

This is not as outrageous a concept as it might seem. We have used baby lambs, baby cows and other young animals for food such as veal, so why not use human babies that would otherwise go to waste?



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