Friday, December 10, 2021

Smollett proves being a victim is how to be hip


Clearly @JussieSmollett is misunderstood.

In a week that saw fellow Hollywood fake Alec Baldwin staging an apology video (that was not an apology) after he accidentally shot a member of the staff on a set with a supposedly fake gun (he claims he didn’t pull the trigger on); we get Smollett being convicted of faking an attack in Chicago to in order to boost his salary on his TV show.

Both men are taking the concept of being a victim to new depths.

To be hip today, you have to be a victim. This is the fundamental principle upon which WOKEness is about.

Liberal whites like Baldwin embrace white guilt out of jealousy because they are not a member of an oppressed majority, and so can’t get membership into the new hip that requires you to be oppressed.

Fortunately for Baldwin, killing a coworker has allowed him to play up his adopted role of being victim – he didn’t kill anyone, somebody else did. But he’s become a liberal martyr and therefore qualifies as oppressed.

Smollett (whose name does not rime with wallet though it should) obviously saw a financial benefit to being a victim. While the attack he staged didn’t come with the sickening emotional music of Baldwin’s video, it clearly was plotted out to boost his status as a victim.

Anyone who become a target of the mythical white supremacists (liberals are always telling us about) clearly is worth more on the Hollywood marketplace. He even rehearsed the scene so that he and the thugs he hired to pull it off would get it right – and might even get them all an academy award since Hollywood believes its own mythmaking.

But more importantly, Smollett, like Baldwin, is suffering from white guilt.

Even though Smollett is a black, he is extremely privileged, part of that Hollywood elite that rant and rave about Republicans while raking in their own piles of cash, trying to disguise their own greed behind a lot of woke talk.

Smollett’s act allowed Biden and Harris to launch their own attacks against so called white supremacists even claiming the attack in Chicago was the equivalent of a modern-day lynching. Harris suffers from the same white guilt as Smollett, partly because her pathway to power was paved with romantic encounters rather than hard work. She is just another privileged liberal looking to improve her status as a victim – which is why she was so proud of the rapist in the Midwest who got shot for grabbing a knife when confronted by police.

We shouldn’t blame Smollett for faking the attack to improve his status with the radical left. This is an old ploy. The arts are infested with similar diatribes, white people and people of color playing the race card as their invitation into the hip community – in a kind of propaganda frenzy they mistake for creating of art.

Smollett just took the whole thing a step too far. He, of course, believes he can get a new jury to sympathize with him and reverse his conviction. He’s almost as deluded as Baldwin in somehow thinking a real jury is going to accept the fact that they didn’t pull the trigger.




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