Saturday, December 11, 2021

Why Woke people won’t grow up


It is difficult to read the trends these days since we have woke people were attacking the Democratic Party -- this living up to the old Will Rogers concept of being a Democrat and not being part of an organized political party
The problem with woke is there absolutely selfish and self-centered, a self-righteousness that borders on fanatic religion.
They are absolutely committed to saving the world even if they have to destroy it first. Concepts like free speech and free thought do not exist for them. What they want is for you to believe what they believe or for you to cease to exist.

They keep inventing myths such as the Jan. 6 uprising or dragging out ancient concepts from the distant past – such as white supremacy – in order to justify their intolerance.

Woke people rely on code words, such as “carbon footprint” or “systemic racism” to make their case, even with there is almost no truth in any of it, just a smoke and mirrors games in order to show their superiority over those who disagree with them.

I would call these people foolish, but like Oscar Wilde, I prefer to call them wicked, with the same vain hope that wicked people sometimes take a rest.

Woke people claim to have a monopoly on truth when what they propose is mostly illusion, or again as Wilde points out, “pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple,” and to modify another quote of Wilde’s, those who are incapable of learning are taken to preaching, or as our colleges currently show, teaching as well.

If you teach enough of this crap in school if you brain was kids when they're young and then the LIE becomes truth; it becomes easier to sell to people when they're adults.

A recent report in that all-but-reputable rag, “The New York Times” said America is in the sixth year of a population decline.

The upcoming generation does not want to grow up so does not have room for children in their lives. They are committed to living the life of Sex in the City or Seinfeld where they can remain juveniles for the rest of their lives without ever having to accept responsibilities.

This seems to reflect an opinion once posed by Brian Aldiss who said that “when childhood dies, its corpses are called adults…That’s why we dread children, even if we loved them. They should us the state our decay.”

For society, this new desperation to cling to childhood has serious implications.

Every generation has seen pathetic people like woke spouting all of these diatribes on righteousness. But fortunately, at some point in their lives they grow up they raise families they learn how the world really works.

Or as George Will points out, “We are given children to test us and make us more spiritual.”

This won't be true of this generation they will remain infantile for their entire existence and so we'll never get to the point where they understand responsible behavior.
They will talk a good game about global warming and social justice but it never really impacts their personal lives what they are telling you is that you or to be responsible not them.
Another problem with this generation’s refusal to have children is that generations tend to reverse the errors of their predecessors and so if we have no next generation of kids we never see the shift back moderate behavior, we just continue to have people in a constant temper tantrum. Many of the 70s kids especially the 80s kids rebelled against the illusions of the 1960s and brought the country back to a sane Middle Ground.
We may not see that if this generation one never grows up and secondly refuses to allow the Next Generation to take over after them
What's sad about this concept of not having children is that children tend to take care of you in your old age.
This may explain why the upcoming generation is so infatuated with socialism. They need to transform society into one which will give them everything they need without them having to actually go out an earn it for themselves or to have extended family care for them. They want government to do it, only it will be other people who pay the price tag not them.

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