Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Man in the High Castle as propaganda

I had to stop watching Man in a High Castle because its third season was so deplorable.
Not only had the writing completely falling apart to become something of a liberal soap opera, it is also become unbearably politically correct.
I can only imagine Phillip K Dick turning over in his grave wishing he could return as a Frankenstein monster to seek revenge on those who completely gutted his work.
No literary sn is worse than when you take one of the most provocative writers and twist his work into propaganda.
This is even worse than calling Dr. Seuss a racist.
But it is indicative of a society that has the Mad tea party syndrome in which the lunatics have taken over the asylum and pathetic writers try to emulate masters by paying tribute with mockery and distortion.
Everything now has become a kind of propaganda machine we can't escape and seeking refuge in the classics is no help because many view the world of the past as an enclave of racism and bigotry.
Although there must be real Scholars of American History, most of the Liberals that control Hollywood these days seem to have gotten their education on the past from the distorted works of the Burn Brothers, The West and the American Civil War.
The biggest target of liberals these days appears to be the actor John Wayne upon whose shoulders liberals dump all the white guilt of the past. He is model of macho male modern feminists come to despise and is often attributed as the symbolic culprit of the genocide of Native Americans.
Feminist may be right about the first because men these days appear to have castrated themselves in order to bow before the altar of new morality and a power shift from male to female dominance. We live in a time of male hatred and this is not going to pass easily until something major changes in the human psyche to bring things back into balance.
But for those liberals who condemned John Wayne as anti-Native American, it is clear they have never seen a John Wayne movie and the host of characters he played more than a little sympathetic to the plight of Native Americans – as were many of the characters in westerns, only liberals either weren’t watching or got their opinions handed to them by professors determined to reinvent media as well as history.
One such lecture in the mist of Man in the High Castle made me finally turn off the program and refused to turn it on again as it became one lesson after another in somebody's MFA thesis.
I don't know what happened to the writers of the first two seasons when they did not have to hit you over the head with the concept of fascism and they played closer to the original ideas that Phillip K dick espoused.  But it is clear that the writers in the third season were far less talented and incredibly more politically correct then those in the first two seasons.
The ultimate result of course is to make victims out of the Japanese by the Germans, better fitting with the misconception that somehow Europe was worse than Asia when it came to Fascism.  In other words, white Europeans continue to attack people of color even if those people of color happened to be fascist Japanese murderers.
This aspect isn't exclusive to the third season but clearly emphasized more than it was during the earlier portions of this TV.  Somehow, we were expected to see the Japanese fascist as more sympathetic than their European counterparts.  This was never the intent of the original novel.  but it was bearable as long as it was subtle and once the program became clearly over the top liberal propaganda it was no longer tolerable even as entertainment.
I mean political correctness is nothing new for contemporary television Stargate SG1 had one or two episodes that you need to fast forward on in order to get through the muck.  But with Man in the High Castle there is no getting around since the plots are so entwined. Even if the editors managed to rid the program of all those questionable lectures on John Wayne and other people, the horrible writing of the third season would make the program intolerable as well.
You can’t blame the actors for giving such wooden, puppet like performance, since they are the same quality actors of the first two seasons. You have to blame the writers and directors who put these pathetic speeches in their mouths and expected them to somehow make propaganda sound plausibly entertaining.
Unfortunately, because of the structure of the series the damage is done and there is no going back. They have stepped outside the box and now are condemned to follow threads that are clearly unbearable to watch as fiction and only the truly die-hard liberal radical would appreciate the content.
The few of those who have even remote literary tastes would not be able to stomach the bad writing and the plastic acting.
For those who have not yet seen the series yet, you’re better off with the first two seasons if you can't possibly avoid it and let the rest go to posterity.
For those of us who actually delved into the third season, we are stained for life and cannot scrub the memory of such bad fiction from our minds.  Perhaps in time this will fade perhaps if we go back to the original book, we can repair the damage. But this is unlikely since once infected you will likely bring this distortion even to the Masterpiece Philip K dick inked.
Perhaps the best thing to do is go watch some John Wayne movies and see some legitimate acting and legitimate dialogue and legitimate point of view and wash the memory of the crappy 3rd season out of your body like a toxic disease.

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