Sunday, March 24, 2019

Why Democrats should hate Mueller


There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the Democrats this morning, a sad day for the disillusioned who actually believed their own Fairytale.
You cannot believe your own lie and then expect not to fall into depression when the lie is exposed as untrue.
Democrats play the Russian conspiracy as one big fabrication. The problem is it was meant to delude its own followers because the Trump people never believed it.
And because the deluded masses of Democrats, many for their own naïve followers are now whaling the way they did after they lost the 2016 election and struggling with the idea that maybe Trump did not cheat after all.
The Brain Trust behind the Democrats who thought up the scam knew better all along.
 But they hoped that they could propel this whole thing into another Watergate.
 While Watergate was also a fraud, a staged political coup by the Democrats, it worked because there was just enough to justify impeachment.
Liberals have a significant problem: they always underestimate their opponents.
Liberals actually believe they are smarter than Republicans when clearly, they are not.  Liberals tend to stereotype Republicans and then believe the stereotype, calling them all kinds of mean names like hillbilly and white trash.
This is largely a misinformation campaign many of them learned in college from really embittered professors who have no real sense of reality and so impose their own views on the world that are not quite real.
These miseducated children come into the world believing all the crap they learned in college which is why the Democratic party can also manipulate them since that is what they have really been trained for all along to be manipulated.
This is what education has large to become a training field for future puppets.
There is also this pathetic culture that refuses to acknowledge the concept that in every contest there are winners and losers.  Instead Liberals do not want to hurt people's feelings by telling them they lost, and this is largely why there was such a knee-jerk insane reaction to win Trump beat Hillary in 2016.
Everybody said Hillary was going to win and so when she didn't everybody freaked out.
Well everybody is going to freak out again over the Mueller report.  These same masters of democratic manipulation sold their flock into the belief that Trump would be indicted and now without the Mueller report it will become very difficult for them to accomplish that.
Still worse is the fact that the Democrats big lie was exposed and now nationally people are no longer going to believe the lies that are being told as easily.
While liberal true believers will believe anything they are told, it is that middle ground that everybody relies on to win elections that maybe more skeptical now.
You can expect a much more ruthless liberal attack on Trump focusing on immigrants and racism because those are the other lies Dem0ocrats have relied on and have yet to be exposed as BS.
The other big loser in all of this is Media which has been the bullhorn for this lie all along. Perhaps the best thing they comes out of the failed Mueller investigation will be to expose media as the fraud it is and make people more skeptical on what they read in the Washington Post and the New York Times or here on CNN or MSNBC.

email to Al Sullivan

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