Saturday, March 2, 2019

White privilege is a crock

Few scams have been so successfully foisted on the American public as the concept of white privilege.
This is largely a manufactured term to explain why liberal policies for helping poor -- especially people of color -- have failed so miserably.
To avoid explaining why African Americans in general are no better off today than they were at the time of the Civil Rights legislation which was supposed to have given black people advantages in the community, liberals have come up with the concept of white privilege.
This theory claims that whites because of the color of their skin automatically have certain advantages that people of color do not -- especially when it comes to things like education and jobs.
The argument four reparations from slavery is based on this misconception and that some how 400 years of slavery affected the ability of African Americans to achieve today.  Proponents of the White Privilege theory stop just short of claiming this is a white conspiracy, partly because the loudest voices promoting it happen to be the voices of white liberals.
This theory of white privilege is somewhat discredited when you look at jobs like those in coal mines or white workers displaced in farms out west by immigrants. There is more than enough diversity in supermarkets and mall stores such as Kohl's to show that white privilege is not white privilege at all.
What activists -- who promote this white privilege myth -- mean is that people of color do not have access to high paying jobs – such as those on Wall Street or those who are heads of corporations.  This is also somewhat dishonest but has more legitimate argument when you look at a different concept called class.
The theory of white privilege is so engrained in our culture it is taught in every college in America as fact, even though empirical evidence discredits it, and that some people of color actually achieve those jobs in higher waged employment than others.
Asians in particular Chinese, Japanese and Indian not only are often at the top of the pay scale and then he cases but attend some of the best universities on the planet achieving higher grades on average than whites or blacks.
While these groups were not slaves in the same sense at blacks, each suffered similar discrimination, and yet somehow managed to over come it, even with the alleged existence of White Privilege.
While liberals might argue that blacks often attend schools with far fewer resources, statistics show that many Asian students attend the same schools in the same urban environment, and yet still managed to graduate at the top of their classes and attend colleges that were in the past perceived as exclusively white.
White Privilege is a myth created by white liberals, men and women, who want to avoid the label of racist and seek to appear supportive of their black brothers and sisters – even though many of the liberals who mouth these things hold many of the positions blacks would love to achieve – leading these white liberals to another, much more legitimate issue: white guilt. This guilt forces liberals to come up with some explanation as to how liberals succeeded where African-Americans for the most part still struggle to climb up even to the level of middle-class.
It allows liberals to blame White Privilege rather than failed policies for the fact that the billions and billions and billions of dollars that have gone to help elevate African Americans have done very little and has been ineffective through more than 60 years.
In this, white liberals get to hang the white privilege label on themselves while calling other whites who refuse to accept blame racist.
White liberals get the blame white privilege for the fact that African-Americans for the most part have become addicted to many of the anti-programs born out of the New Deal and later the Civil Rights Act rather than these programs offering an incentive to advancement.
Democrat Bill Clinton adopted GOP strategies for reforming welfare system in the 1990s dumping millions of African-Americans and other poor into low-wage jobs while at the same time shrinking funding for educational programs that might have allowed them to advance.
This allowed Clinton to reduce the deficit and to lay claim to have created more jobs than any president since FDR.
The problem was many of the established liberal establishments which services poor mostly black communities were as addicted to poverty as the poor people they served, scrambling to survive since their livelihood had also depended on federal funding.
This changed the focus of the Democratic Party and its associated welfare state, seeking to replace African-Americans and other people of color with immigrants.
If anything, we currently have an immigrant privilege as a result.
The white privilege myth and the concept that African Americans need reparations for slavery is only a return to the welfare state, and the mistaken notion that money is going to make a difference and somehow bring African-Americans out of the poverty that they have been enslaved by four generations.
White Privilege is an excuse not a reason why African Americans still are not where they want to be in society.
The fact that the problem is not race at all it is class. Rich people are rich and poor people are poor and for the most part the rich want to keep it that way.
When Democrats claim they want to tax the rich, what they really mean is they want to tax white rich who are not involved with programs supported by the welfare state.
White people, of course, dominate the class structure partly because they have had many more generations to build the necessary networks to be on top. They have had time to build networks and institutions that allowed them to climb the ladder of success.
Radicals are always looking for a quick fix to a problem that needs time to remedy.
While there are a number of groups seeking to build a similar community that will support African Americans, teaching the steps they need to take to get out of poverty, most educators – especially on the college level -- are teaching people how to hate whites and riling them up to believe that somehow someway local people who work hard for a living are responsible for  black people's misery.
This is not only dishonest it is dangerous because by enraging blacks into a kind of frenzy, liberal educators are creating the very conditions that they claim already exist, building a racist backlash because when you have blacks hating whites the whites will eventually learn to hate back.
The most pathetic of these are the liberal whites who have learned to hate whites as well, and white professors require their white students to write essays about how ashamed they ought to be because they are white.
The myth of White Privilege is a way for liberals to cover their tracks and to disguise their failure to actually help African Americans achieve the American dream.
Instead of colleges teaching blacks and whites how to hate whites, these instructions should be striving towards a colorless society, where there is no advantage to anyone and that all people have equal access to everything.
White privilege and racial reparations are less about justice than they are about overturning the power structure so that there is a new master in the house, one with a black face rather than a white, instead of black and white living in the same house as equals.

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