Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Democrats adopt Stalinist school of leadership

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

 The fact that the governors of New Jersey, New York, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania all are acting like Stalin should not be a great surprise.
They seem to have gone to the same school of leadership where they decide to dictate how people should live their lives.
In some ways this is the opposite of “a wolf in sheep's clothing;” these are sheep in wolves clothing.
It's the Napoleonic complex pathetic weak human beings who need to pump themselves up by telling other people what to do.
This is very typical of the extreme liberal philosophy that has taken over the Democratic Party, much in the way Stalinists took over after the Russian Revolution.
These Democrats are basically bullies, gutless pathetic people we used to have to put up in school, those hall monitors pumped up with their own self-importance and the power of teachers to back them up.
These governors and the people who voted them in them into office have adopted the “my turn at power” philosophy and are making the rest of us aware of it.
Down deep these four Governors are cowards who just happen to have an army of State Police at their disposal.
This is nothing new it's just they now have an emergency Proclamation with which they can whip you. They have always been obsessed with power and have always been trying to tell other people how to live their lives.
My governor has been throwing his weight around since he got into office, completely forgetting the fact that as a candidate, you get elected on a platform, but once in office he is supposed to represent the interest of all the people of the state, not just follow the party line.
He like the hall monitors who used to haunt us at school marches around with a sense of importance only term limits will give us relief from.
We should have seen this pandemic abuse of power coming, since this governor came into office dictating his agenda, pushing his political promises down the throat of state from his illusion of reducing the carbon footprint to his a biased curriculum onto the kids of religious parents in the schools.
This is the same philosophy that resorted to mob rule to tear down statues they don’t like, hiding behind the word “racists” the way Romans did when ridding the world of Christians. The goal appears to be the same only these governors can’t find enough lions.
My Governor got upset when some of us called him and his cohorts Fascists, forgetting that he once compared Trump to Hitler.
The current crop of Democrats is full of such double standards, attacking Kavanaugh with a whacko witness, while ignoring similar and perhaps more legitimate claims against their national candidate, Biden.
But ultimately, these governors have become drunk on power and have turned into the tyrants they claim to have opposed.
This week we had in Harvard Professor who blasted homeschooling because parents who have had a liberal agenda forced on them by an out of control government and a liberal philosophy that has taken over higher education, found a way to keep their kids from being indoctrinated by questionable teachers such as this.
All of this shows just how thin a line there is between liberalism and fascism.
The minute liberals take power, they become like that hall monitor in school, becoming far worse than the bullies we had to deal with, reporting all our infractions, sheep in wolves clothing who wonder why they get beat up later after school.
These governors are power crazed in the same way 40-pound weaklings are, mouthing platitudes about fair play and justice, while behind the scenes they are sneaks and liars waiting for their chance to flex muscles their positions have artificially given them.
All of these people seem to have gone to the same school of leadership with had with Obama, that  smooth-talking con man who behind the scenes was a ruthless bastard  and all of these Governors who now wear the label of democrat seem to have model themselves after the same misbehavior.
These Governors like Obama mistake power and misuse of power for leadership they lockdown people and pretends that they are saving them from themselves forgetting that we are supposed to live in a free society.
This is the same kind of Newspeak or doublespeak that Orwell was so offended by, weak-minded, ethically challenged people who have been elected to positions of power and now have gone crazy with it.
These r Governors mistake might for right showing that they are bigger bullies than the one they claim sits in the White House.
Yes, Governor Murphy, I do have my hall pass, my mask and I am keeping my social distance, thank you, so please don't send your Stormtroopers after me.

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