Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The CDC cannot be trusted

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

A few days after New Jersey shut down due to coivd 19, a Notorious Democratic spin doctor got irritated when I questioned why we are destroying the economy for what amounts to a common flu.
 he assured me it was much worse than that and that he had put his faith in the well-educated doctors at CDC.
Usually when this person put his faith in something, I knew it was a political scam but this time I more or less gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Since then the CDC has been about as consistent in its forecast my friend with his tarot cards; telling us masked were not necessary, then mandatory; telling us that the total deaths for the country would be as many as 1.7 million then downsizing this three or four times.
At first, they told us warm weather would kill off the virus then it said it wouldn't.
The CDC then told us that sunlight killed the virus and then retracted that as well only to later reinstate that.
It told us lockdown were necessary to Flatten the Curve and then told us the lockdowns are unhealthy.
The latest scam came last week when the CDC which originally said that the virus could linger on inanimate objects for hours days or even weeks, then issued a statement saying that it did not.
This week reissued a change in this claiming that the original statement was unclear.
How unclear is the statement “the virus does not linger on inanimate objects?”
All this has the same lack of validity I always got when dealing with scientist who promote the concept of manmade climate change --  that the whole thing is more about politics than science and then the influence on the scientist was about how to redistribute wealth.
This made me think of by spin doctor again and his confidence in the CDC and made me envision some behind-the-scenes arm-twisting to get the CDC to comply with the Democratic yarn.
This is the kind of torture that the church in the great old days used to pull teeth keep priests from deviating from the true faith.
 And since my spin doctor had so much faith in the CDC to pull of this political scam, I began to realize why he try to sell me this fantasy and why the CDC has been soap utterly inconsistent and it's reports.
I began to think that there was a battle going on inside the CDC between real scientists and the political fakers who are there to do the Democratic bidding.
The ultimate game is to keep people scared and if they're not scared then to confuse the hell out of them so that they don't know which rules to follow.
This week CDC appeared to savage people who think the virus was a lot more spread out by claiming that half the antibody tests are wrong.
This is an old political trick to discredit and do damage control against conflicting information that may be more accurate than the CDC is producing.
All this strongly resembles that old adage about if you can't win then Dazzle your opponents with bullshit.
 The fact that we are being told inconsistent things is why so many people still walk around the street clutching their masks and their gloves as if life preservers.
We have a more than compliant media that keeps pumping up the volume, creating new scenarios and new dangers so that the public remains on edge.
Then we have the other extreme -- the artists and disc jockeys -- who are singing Kumbaya and assuring us if we only obey the rules everything will be alright.
 I can imagine them broadcasting on the Titanic after the iceberg hit to those who could not fit in the lifeboats.  While we have a pack of Democrats helping to bail water only not out of the boat but into it trying to get the ship to sink faster.
At some point, the public needs to wake up and realize the rules do not make sense and that neither the Kumbaya crowd or the “let's sink the ship” crowd have our best interest at heart  and it is stupid to follow constantly changing rules that don't make sense.
The CDC cannot be trusted.

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