Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The killer bees are coming

May 5, 2020

You can't make this stuff up anymore; the science fiction writers have taken over news media and spreading it like a virus.
At some point somebody will be smart enough to realize that this is just too much like a James Bond movie -- I mean one of the bad ones where when you knock down one helicopter another one keeps appearing.
The fact is we have been watching a Repeat Performance since the 2016 election and once the left gets onto something it keeps repeating the same Mantra until it gets too old or too it ineffective.
We got the “not my president” protest that occurred right after the election supposedly spontaneous things that were initiated by students and kids and angry women, but as it turns out were paid for by high-profile wealthy Democrats.  a lot of people kept wondering where they got all the printed signs in a spontaneous way much in the way the old sitcom used to ask about rioting crowds and how they got their torches and pitchforks so fast.
The anti-cop rhetoric took a really twisted turn during this. As people on the left begin to mirror people on the extreme right and put on hoods to protest shooting of African Americans in the streets – making almost no distinction between innocent victims or provocateurs. This very much reflecting Bobby Seale and the Black Panthers of my generation, who acted more like thugs than liberators. The new generation tearing  down Confederate statues across the country and banning the Confederate flag – not so much because these things were racists as to punished white Americans for voting for Trump -- leading to what I like to call the Battle of Charlottesville where the left provoked the right until somebody actually got killed and then of course blame Trump for egging on the right when it was these radical left who did the provoking.
Mass shootings  are popular with the left and so became a popular theme for protest as the left galvanized against the sale of guns throughout the country ignoring the fact that each mass shooting cause people to buy more guns and these weren't the right-wing gun addicts but in many cases ordinary citizens who did not see the police theme as effective in protecting them as the left would like to think.
Guns purchases during the two months of the pandemic set new records with a rise of 84 percent in sales in March 2020 from March 2019, and 73 percent rise in April from April 2019.
The me-too movement which tend to bring down more Democrats than Republicans had its Heyday with the Kavanaugh hearings and that largely petered out and now is completely irrelevant when it comes to the accusations against Vice President Biden.
 Over the last four years we have had the Russian collusion scandal with its attempted impeachment is finally becoming an obvious Democratic ploy as the FBI loyal to Obama deliberately and illegally targeted Trump and those close to him.
This was followed by the Ukraine impeachment attempt only people didn't quite get since Biden’s son seems to actually be making a lot of money off of questionable deals in the Ukraine.
 Having failed to impeach Trump on these, the left apparently decided to take advantage of a rather nasty but pretty regular event called flu season scaring the bejesus out of everybody and at the same time wrecking the American economy ahead of the election.
 Most economists realize that those running for office as incumbents with a positive economy generally win.   Even Trump seems to have been taken in by this illusion, taking to heart a national health official who was appointed by Bill Clinton and had every reason to help the Democrats destroy the economy.
Still not quite finished with the impeachment scam, the Democratic Leadership set up a commission to investigate the pandemic and put all Democrats on it, so the commission inevitably will conclude Trump is to blame.
 But as time goes on the economy is recovering anyway and Democrats may be desperate for some new scam to keep people scared until after the November election.
 Thus, we now have the invasion of the killer bees to keep us indoors and out of our parks and to justify mail-in voting that will benefit Democrats more than Republicans.
 Looking back, you have to wonder if people are fearing the wrong kind of killer bee.

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