Thursday, May 7, 2020

Getting fooled again and again and again

Thursday, May 7, 2020

 There is an old sitcom gag that asks: “what do you feed a fly?”  The answer of course is: “if you pull off its wings you can feed it anything you want.”
This is sort of how I feel about the current poll numbers and local politicians.
 If you scare the hell out of people and convince them that if they step out there with their doors without a mask, they're going to die then you can get them to do anything even love you.
This is particularly true if you pump up the perceived threat by constant testing and distorting the number of deaths by paying doctors more to list the deaths as if from COVID-19 – not to mention that more than half the deaths are in nursing homes which government not only abandoned, but actually sent sick people to live in (while letting people out of jail to avoid having people get sick.) In New York, the governor actually refused to send medical safety equipment to nursing homes only to later find bodies piling up inside.)
Americans seem to have watched too many episodes of The Matrix or worse Lord of the Rings so that our lives now have turned into one big science fiction movie.
For me however it seems to have become a mixture of two books Orwell's 1984 and Huxley's Brave New World.
Radical movements of course which I seem to be part of these days have always been a super minority when they start because like a dinosaur public opinion takes a lot of convincing.   You have to keep beating on the tail for the message to eventually reach that Walnut that Society calls its brain and you have to be very wary that you don't get swatted by the tail that you are beating on.
Fear that terror is much more of an incentive than intelligence is.  And so, you will have most people doing exactly what they're told putting on the appropriate masks, hiding in their basements as if they are digging new bomb shelters for an attack that will never come.
This is a pandemic of the old while young cower in dread.
Of course it's easier just to comply to not think about it and to let these people with high poll numbers get away with murder never once blaming them forth the body count that they have caused in various nursing homes by abandoning the people there.
 These poll numbers do not reflect the future and the misery that this leadership has caused destroying people's lives and livelihoods causing beatings in the home and misery when they can no longer find work or have watch their businesses go up in smoke.
We have been sold this bill of goods that somehow by complying with these regulations we have flattened the curb when all we have done is given more power to people who are insatiably hungry for power.
These leaders had pulled our wings off and are feeding of bullshit and we celebrate them has heroes because we are the dinosaur and no matter how much someone beats on our tail the message never reaches our puny little brains.
At least not until it's too late and then whatever civil liberties we thought we had we no longer have.
Someday maybe if we have new leadership that is wise enough to look into how mishandled this pandemic was maybe we'll get the truth, but I doubt it.
The public dinosaur will just stumble onto some new disaster that will allow some new group of charlatans to manipulate us, this massive dinosaur tail swatting way dissenters and the Knuckleheads who are raising alarm.
You can't argue with brain dead people were convinced that the people who are manipulating them are actually saving their lives.
These people are going to live in denial because they won't want to be assumed that they were so stupid that they believed anything they got sold.
This is the reason why revolutions don't work in America because people can be fooled again and again and again.

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