Monday, May 18, 2020

Nobody gets out of here alive

Monday, May 18, 2020

 It must be something in our hot Italian blood that made Cuomo say something so stupid as he did when he claimed senior citizens who died in nursing homes were going to die anyway so  nobody should face criminal charges for having sent sick seniors into nursing homes to increase the death total.
This of course was done to make room in hospitals for incoming patients who probably we're going to survive anyway but that's hindsight.
I can't imagine Andrew Cuomo's father, Mario sentencing senior citizens to death.
But apparently it is something in my Italian heritage, my blood that allows this kind of thing to take place since many Italian authorities were accused of similar atrocities when the virus struck there earlier this year.
It's survival of the fittest -- that kind of Nazi like philosophy you would expect from Mussolini era but not 2020 New York.
Even Murphy who committed the same atrocious Act was not stupid enough to say senior citizens were going to die anyway so why bother saving them.  Murphy simply washed his hands of the blood the way pilot did Christ's and got on with the lockdown.
But not all at Italians are going to accept this.  I can't imagine my grandfather saying that my grandmother at 91 should have died of coronavirus because somebody younger needed her room at the hospital and that she would get better care in a nursing home without any support by the medical profession.
You have to wonder would Cuomo have sent his own mother or grandmother to the nursing home and then claimed that the nursing home is private and did not need medical help from the state and would not get it guaranteeing their death.
New York and New Jersey are the epicenter of what is largely a flu.
Nationally the figures strongly resemble other pandemics only instead of being spread across the country like in the past or located in places like New England or the Southwest they were concentrated here in New York City.
So, we get a massive media blitz and daily body counts that keeps people hunkered down in their homes afraid to stick their nose out the door when in that nearly half of all the people that died died in nursing homes or senior facilities, abandoned by governors who put us in a lockdown they claimed was designed to flatten the curve when in reality they were shipping bodies off to these places to die and inflating the death total.
And now we hear from one of those governors who said those people are going to die anyway.
Bad enough that there is a clear question as to how many people actually died of the virus since State figures don't always jive with local Health officials now we're learning that the state knew these people are going to die and send them to their deaths anyway.
This makes you wonder what the death figures from this pandemic will actually look like had the states made a concentrated effort to protect the most vulnerable rather than kicking them to the curb.
Could we have reduced the total deaths and brought it more in line with the kind of pandemic we've suffered from the past or where these people simply sacrifice in order to justify that kind of misguided leadership that we got from  those in charge of our public safety.
 I'm not saying that these Governors deliberately sent senior citizens to their death in order to bump up the numbers of dead so that this pandemic looked worse than those in the past, but it is possible.
After all, Cuomo did point out these seniors would likely have died anyway.
The one thing is certain that when it comes to Cuomo, Murphy, nursing homes and the virsus: Nobody gets out of here alive.

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