Sunday, October 18, 2020

Don’t Trump out just yet


 Sunday, October 18, 2020

How do you know if a mainstream media talking head is lying to you?
His or her lips are moving.
This is an old joke with a lot of truth in it when it comes to media. So, it becomes extremely difficult to tell reality from the phony reality media appears to be selling.
We all depend on media to bring us news we can’t see firsthand for ourselves. This affects our perception of reality, because news is being filtered through someone else, and people tend to build their social believes and make judgements on this information.
We treat news as if it is real. But we rarely if at all question how this news is packaged and whether or not the media has an agenda. We create our own reality based on this, and it may not be real at all.
People have no objective measure of what is real and unreal we have to wade through the crap that we are getting ahead of the election and try to make sense of what it really means.
This is largely different from something local where people can see and feel things for themselves
Media controls the message as McCluhan once said and therefore we get everything filtered through a media that is largely Anti-Trump. But even the pro Trump stuff can't be completely trusted
How this works is that media keeps bombarding you with the same message. The simpler the message the better:  covid-19 is dangerous which Trump mishandled. Trump is a racist because media says he is a racist
And these messages are hitting us back and forth has like a comedy team with the Three Stooges and we're the ones constantly being slapped across the face
And we can't rely on the fact that the messages are coming from 20 or 30 different places because they are all coming really from the same place and that there are only a few Elite media that broadcast the message for all the other media to pick up.
We do not realize that six corporations control nearly all the media outlets in America, five of which are considered anti-Trump. This includes National Amusements that owns CBS and all its affiliates such as MTV, BET and Viacom. Disney owns ABC and all its affiliates including ESPN, Lifetime, History Channel and such. Time Warner owns CNN, Time, and other media.
Nearly everything we get for news comes through the Washington Post, the New York Times, Media Matters and MSNBC – all of which quote each other as sources and tend to use the same biased liberal sources when they are creating original stories.
Local press drawers on these large media outlets for their own messages. The most obvious of course is when a media outlet quotes one of those places as a source rather than a real source or uses the same group of people that tend to appear in all of these stories for all of the media such as experts or Talking Heads
We get a lot of Obama people as experts for the online stuff or we get has-beens like Bernstein and Woodward dragged out of the closet in order to show that we still believe in a free press when the furthest thing could be from the truth
We get the HuffPost that is constantly re reporting poll numbers from media that are deliberately skewed
The fact is we are probably seeing a very tight election and one that Biden could win by a hair's breadth or Trump could win in a landslide and both parties knows this very well
But there's no way to prove it and the fact is that media has become the enemy is terrifying because it is the only way most people know what is going on but probably the best way to gauge the whole election and the Supreme Court nomination is by how fanatical media and others get.
Democrats do not have control of anything at this point and so are once again resorting to the most desperate tactics such as threatening to shut down the economy again over covid-19 or sending millions of women into the streets to protest a domination they can't stop
For Trump supporters the more fanatical the Democrats become the more they can be confident that there may be light at the end of the tunnel
Extremist do not represent mainstream Americans and this includes Latinos and blacks who made suddenly be waking up to the fact that they are surrogates for Extreme as part of the Democratic Party.
No one is really going to know what the outcome of this election is until it happens just the way they didn't know in 2016 but you can get a barometer of how each party feels by the desperation work the confidence they exude
While4 media tells us Biden is winning there is another message coming from their reaction to Trump and that seems to be one of desperation.
I wouldn't take this to the bank just yet, but it is the only real way you can gauge the selection at this point since every other bit of it can't be trusted.

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