Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Media spreading fear to win an election



Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Every time she gets a sniffle she thinks: “Do I have it? Should I worry that I'm going to die?”
When the media gets this deep into your head you know you have been manipulated.
Most people have to rely on major media for their news and so they have no clue as to whether or not they are being lied to.
There is no way to check the validity of a news report when it comes from someplace as supposedly reliable as the Washington Post with a New York Times.
We all create a mythical reality based on their information. So that we have come to assumed they are always telling us what is best for us when in fact they are generally not.
Covid-19 has become the perfect example of the massive misinformation campaign that has been going on in major media. We keep hearing about the 209,000 people who have died, little realizing this is not drastically worse statistically than previous pandemics.
But media tells us it is.
Yet if you question the authority you become a crank and you get censored from social media for spreading information that is not in line with what is being reported.
So, this poor fool lives in constant fear of every ache and pain as if this is the end of the world when the covid-19 recovery rate for most people is 99%.
Media has sold her on the idea that she will always be one of the 1%.
Covid-19 is the Democratic campaign to bring down trump it has been ratcheted up to new extremes over the last week so that we are all living in constant fear.
If you believe media reports, then only Republicans who have come in contract with Trump are catching the disease – when in fact Democrats legislators have also tested positive, but don’t make the front page of The Washington Post.
If you take the headlines of the Washington Post, you would assume that Democrats have found an immunity to covid-19 which the GOP does not have.
This is framing. It is reporting only on specific information that you want the public to accept has a standard when in fact it is unlikely that the Democrats are any more immune to the pandemic than Republicans are.
The New York Times rants and raves about Trump removing his mask, and yet we know that Democrats on every level do the same thing once the TV cameras have gone, except for Biden who likely wears his when he’s alone in his basement and makes his wife wear one when they go to bed.
From the hysterical headlines, you get the feeling there is a panic in both parties going into the last few weeks of the campaign, each trying to sell the public on its own themes  -- Democrats playing Trump as a racist when he’s not, playing up COVID-19 when it is really another version of past viruses, so when people will mail-in their ballots for Biden to get Trump out of the white house.
Republicans, meanwhile, are selling fear, too, about the crazy radicals burning down buildings, about the plots to change the constitution, about their guns being taken away if Biden wins.
Which fear people believe will in part determine the election – although some believe the U.S. Supreme Court will likely have the final say, explaining why Democrats are desperate to keep the court as it is – knowing that Chief Justice Roberts hates Trump and would violate his own conservative values to see him lose.
Media is scrutinizing every single move by Trump looking to find weaknesses they can exploit and they do.
New York Times yesterday return to an old theme to try to win back the Latino vote reminding people that the Trump Administration apparently at one point decided to separate children from their parents who cross the border from Mexico.
The Times neglected to note that there is the belief that many of the children that are being brought across the border are not with their parents at all but flesh merchants who have brokered a deal with the parents elsewhere to bring the kids into the country illegally so they could become part of that dream generation that gets benefits their parents could not give them or could not get for themselves.
At one point the Trump Administration was frustrated at how to tell who was lying and even proposed to do DNA test for which they also got criticized.
The Times piece, of course, was that designed to recall the images of kids in cages that is it turned out was a fraud to begin with --  one shot was staged by anti-trump people at the border using the own kids; the other one was actually an old picture from the Obama-era when Obama was also trying to control the influx of immigrants over the Border.
Unfortunately we don't get things in context so we are forced to rely on media to give us the facts and we can't possibly know what information publications like the New York Times or the Washington Post leaves out so we accept their vision of the world even though it is manipulated
Ultimately we get this poor woman in Pennsylvania is constantly testing her own symptoms to see if she has got it and checking news report for the latest symptoms that seem to change as rapidly as the precautions you should take: should you wear a mask or not? Is touching something going to give it to her? How much sanitizer can she have in her house and still feel safe/
This is the same kind of Illusion media gave us back in the nuclear days when we were old building shelters under a houses for the day when the bombs dropped and we assumed we could survive
And back then we did not even have a 99% chance of survival the way most people do with COVID.

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