Thursday, October 8, 2020

Vice president debate was Burns and Allen all over again


Thursday, October 8, 2020


The vice-presidential debate largely turned out to be a rehash of the old Burns and Allen routine lacking only the lit cigar and the snide remarks by Burns.
Will Rogers once noted that you can judge a good comedy by how long it lasts – and by that standard, the 2020 campaign (which started the day after the 2016 election concluded) is a huge hit.
The last few months have been hilarious as media churns up their anti-Trump rhetoric as the clap track to a campaign that would otherwise lack any luster if not for the fact that Trump plays his part so well.
Unfortunately, we got none of Hijinx in the vice presidential debate that we got with the Trump-Biden one, just sou-looking talking heads, each of whom was determined to stay on point, we forced to fill in the snide remarks this standup comedy routine lacked.
It's obvious that no one needed to check Harris for ear devices at the vice-presidential debate. If she had a device it should have been the hearing aid because she clearly does not here right.
Her big moment of the night was to claim that Trump did not condemn white supremacist at the presidential debate.
She is obviously hard of hearing and missed the 19 other times that Trump did.
Harris also went off on Trump about his covid-19 response but failed to note that her running mate Biden failed to declare a state of emergency with Obama in the 2009 pandemic for nine months and not until after 46 states were infested.
Harris also neglected to mention that COVID-19 responses were most botched in states where there are Democratic governors.
But that’s nitpicking. We’ll see a lot of late-night comics doing damage control for Harris over the next week.
Late night comics and Democrats have a lot in common. They’re both largely a joke. But when a comic delivers a punch line, it doesn’t gut the U.S. Constitution.
The debate was largely a puppet show for both sides clearly Harris was reading from a well-rehearsed script crafted in Democratic think tanks covering all of the points that have been broadcast by media for the last 6 months.
Another words Trump is racist and fail to protect people from covid-19
The problem is if you keep repeating the same lie people believe it for a while and then tune it out turning deaf the way the Democrats apparently are when it comes to anything that disagrees with their talking points.
I'm grateful that there won't be another vice presidential debate because this was largely a waste of time even though this was a primer to what powers would do and say if and when she becomes president
Pence is always Pence and so we got what we normally see a very steady hand although media has been blasting him about being worse than Trump partly because he does not go off the deep end the way Trump sometimes does and so seems more calculating he was very calculating at this debate
Democrats hate Trump and Pence, but for different reasons.
Pence is a clever political operative, and people tend to admire people like him, no matter what his political policies are, and this makes him more dangerous than Trump.
An honest man in politics in always seen as stupid, even when he’s not.

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