Saturday, October 24, 2020

Media sells its soul to satan


Saturday, October 24, 2020
From the slanted coverage we’re getting, it’s now become obvious that media is little more than a high class prostitute – and in the case of the New York Times, not even as high class as a common street walker.
Even though the New York Times totally screwed up the Trump tax Story the Democrats have hired the staff to do more damage control in the waning days of the election
The most recent is the so-called Trump China bank account which is being used to counter the accusations against Biden use of his office as vice-president to help his son make money from Ukraine and China
The Times also came up with an expose about Trump officials taking kids away from their parents – a story designed to put a wedge between Trump and growing support from the Latino community, especially the Cubans in the critical state of Florida.
Trump, of course, continued the Obama Legacy of separating kids from their so-called parents at the border crossing from Mexico – only no one is sure if the people who claim they are the kids’ parents are their parents or brokers hired to sneak the kids into the United States.
This comes on the heels of a failed attempt by 60 Minutes to pull another dirty trick on Trump through a questionable interview AKA the Woodward scandal from a few weeks ago – or perhaps slinking as slow as the whore who wrote the hit piece in The Atlantic.
But the election is way too important to trust it to rank amateurs like the Atlantic who can be trusted to create a hit piece out of questionable sources
The idea here is to create a cloud of doubt about Biden by coming up with a counter-narrative of a so-called China bank account that Trump supposedly used to make money while President.
This allows Democrats to say the Biden thing was nonsense and other media to ignore the story saying it's just a political dirty trick when it's clearly that Biden may have violated his oath of office.
The border crossing one by the Time is usually important because Latinos seem to be going to in the direction of trump and the time was needed to remind people how cruel Trump appeared to be even though it was Obama who put kids in cages.
This prostitution of press has reached new heights even though it is not unusual and it is clear the New York Times has become the most reliable street whore in this pool election process.
We have seen media prostituting itself in the past especially in the Kavanaugh hearing where the New Yorker and other media were used to filter questionable stories in order to promote a democratic narrative but we are now in a full tilt with every media that being used to pump up the covid-19 terror in order to keep people off-balance enough to vote for Biden instead of Trump
This only underlines just how desperate media is in regards to this election if Trump wins media loses. There was a Fox news story about pollsters being at risk if Trump wins too because of their credibility. But this pales in comparison to what happens to Media because media is gambling everything on the Democratic Victory and in the end they lose no matter what because no one is ever going to trust prostitutes like the New York Times And The Washington Post again anyway.
All this, of course, gives new meaning to Obama's phrase putting lipstick on a pig of course sometimes when it comes to New York Times a pig is just a pig and it's very obvious.

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